17 - This poker game is getting out of hand

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"Hey, Hazel, could you be so kind as to run to the store to get some more cheese? The already shredded type please." Nick requested from the kitchen, glancing over his shoulder to where I was sitting, on the counter.

"Sure." I said, turning my phone off and grabbing all my stuff before leaving to go to the store a few blocks down.

I put my earbuds in, ignoring the weird looks from the other shoppers at the store as I hummed along to Alex Gaskarth's beautiful, satin smooth voice given to him from angles themselves.

I grabbed a few bags of shredded cheese, two of mozzarella and three of a cheddar mozzarella mix because it was easier to melt on pizza. Nick apparently was making pizza and anyone with half a brain knew that cheddar never melted as well as mozzarella, so a mix between the two was perfect for a greatly cheesy pizza. The other two I had bought of orange cheddar was for me to eat all by myself during my traditional Friday friends binge watch.

Ignoring the ancient cashier's judgemental look, I grabbed some chocolate and a few hygiene products I knew Lila would be needing around this time and chose the youngest, male cashier there, my only goal to make them uncomfortable.

"Hi." I said as I walked up to one of the checkouts run by a young redhead boy, only getting a small nod in response.

I watched his for signs of discomfort as I unloaded my basket onto the conveyor belt and as predicted he started shifting his weight from foot to foot and didn't make eye contact, though he didn't do that before either.

"Would you, er, like a bag?" He hesitantly asked as I put in my credit card's pin into the machine.

"Yes please." I said, biting my tongue to keep in the laugh that threatened to come out at his obvious discomfort.

It started to drizzle as I walked out of the store with my things in the plastic grocery bag I had gotten from the oh so kind and accepting cashier.

I cursed under my breath as I put my hood up and started to walk faster as it rained harder and harder. I heard thunder echoing in the distance and shivered as I got soaked from head to toe.

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye I saw a car approaching, most definitely going faster than the speed limit and blasting music.

Then it all happened so fast.

A loud crash rang out as the car skidded on the slippery road.

A scream pierced the air.

It took me a moment it realize it was my scream.

Then, nothing.

"Where's Hazel?" Nick asked. "I need my cheese."

"It's raining, she's probably taken cover somewhere and is waiting out the storm, it isn't supposed to last long." Lila said from the couch in the other room.

"Even so, she would have texted or called or something." Nick said, a frown making its way across his face.

"Her phone's right here, she took the Shuffle." Lila said, looking up from her phone to point at Hazel's sitting on the coffee table near her. "Besides, power lines may have fallen or be out or something. There's already a knocked down a tree on the other side of the road." Lila pointed a well manicured nail at one of the windows that looked out onto the street.

"Fine. I guess you're right." Nick sighed. "All this means is that we will either have to wait for Hazel to come home with cheese or use giant strips of cheese that will melt horribly on our pizza."

"I vote for the latter."


"I can't believe this storm has gone on for so long!" Ryan groaned, shifting around in Quinn's lap.

"I hope Hazel got a hotel or is staying with a friend or something." Quinn worried as he ran his fingers through his boyfriend's hair.

"For the last time, she's probably fine. It's a bad storm, she has friends other than us downtown. She could even stay at the friggin' grocery store for that matter. She'll be fine, get off it." Lila groaned.

"Still." Quinn insisted. "She's my sister, it's my job to be worried about her."

"I thought your job was to annoy her?" Lamont looked up from his book.

"That too." Quinn admitted.

"Well I'm her adopted sister and it's my job to remind her that she needed stuff for me and if she didn't get it I will have her head." Lila said, setting down her poker hand, showing she won.

"Oh come on!" Quinn groaned. "You're taking all my money!"

Lila batted her eyelashes innocently. "You were the one who wanted to play." She reminded him.

"Go away."

"I'll be sure to take my newly won money with me."


"Quinn that was a very nice pillow, what did it ever do to you, go pick it up."

"Lila I swear to god."

Word Count: 837 words

Published on: 5/7/2018

Edited on: no

Okay and also as you may have seen at the top, I have readers in Cryprus. How cool is is? The map also had
Cambodia, England and the US but I've never even heard of Cryprus (thanks world studies teachers) so I thought that was really cool. Thank you for listening to my TED talk.

Sorry for the long long looooooong wait between updates and then a smaller chapter, however, I did do a double update last time and I just couldn't get this chapter right.

Honestly, I forgot I had to write this chapter until like a week ago, and in that week I've re-written this so so so many times.

Also, I've been in a bit of a bad place these last few weeks, I have a non-serious medical problem going on but it's making my anxiety go crazy and my depression's also in a rough spot, but I kind of think that writing makes me feel better? I'm not really sure, but either way, I will try to write more this week and since this weekend plus Monday is all supposed to be bedrest I think I'll be able to write something.

Bye guys, I hope you have a great day/night/afternoon/whatever and remember that you are loved. By me. Because you read this book and vote and comment sometimes. I love you all so much. <3

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