13 - All hail the great gang leader as he interrupts our game of chess

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I ran my fingers impatiently over the leather of the chair as Ryan pondered what he was going to say.

"So you know how your brother had a powerful gang- our rival?" Ryan started slowly as I nodded. "Well, I had thought that we could be better with a combined gang, so I told him that he could get his sister and her girlfriend back if his gang joined ours." Ryan continued, equally as slowly.

"And he actually agreed?" I interjected.

"Surprisingly, yes." Ryan admitted. "I wasn't expecting it, I mean, he hates me with a burning passion."

"True that." I added, making Ryan glare at me for interrupting him again.

"As I was saying, now his gang is my gang and now we're kinda sorta co-leaders except I still reign over him because reasons."

I rolled my eyes as Ryan continued to explain his 'epic plan' in great detail.

"So basically your jealous of my brother's successes and scared that his gang will overtake yours so you merge gangs?"

"Yes." Ryan proudly stated. "Wait no, I'm not jealous or scared of him, we're still the best."

"Your ego is the size of Jupiter, which is about eleven times Earth's size." I added.

"Nerd." Now it was Ryan's turn to roll his eyes.

"Pompous jerk." I called as I shut the door behind me.

"Checkmate!" Jake shouted, standing up abruptly and knocking down his chair as well as gaining everyone's attention.

"Great going idiot." I rolled my eyes.

"You keep rolling your eyes and you might find a brain back there." Jake deadpanned as he lifted up the fallen chair.

"At least I have one to find." I shot back.

"Ouch." Jake theatrical placed a hand over where his heart would be. "You wound me. That wasn't nice."

"Never said I was nice." I shrugged. "Now are we going to finish this game of chess or are you going to continue to knock over chairs?"

"We'll finish." Jake said as he sat down in his chair, pondering his next move after I had moved my king out of his checkmate.

"Listen up people, we have guests coming. Well, not exactly guests since they will be part of our gang, but still." Ryan entered the lounge where we were playing chess, Alexis reading, and the others doing who knows what on their phones.

"Great." I mumbled. "All hail the great gang leader as he interrupts our game of chess."

"What was that, Hazel?" Ryan smiled a sickly sweet smile at me. "Did you have something to say."

"In fact, I do. What's for lunch?" I smiled innocently as if I hadn't been insulting him under my breath a moment before.

"Ask Nick. Now, they will be residing in the East wing, hence why we moved furniture out of there and moved other furniture in." Ryan continued.

"Hence seems like a complicated word for him, doesn't it?" I whispered to Jake.

"Yo, Saint Nick, what's for lunch?" I shouted over my shoulder, interrupting whatever Ryan was about to say.

Ryan shot me a glare that shoved me six feet under and buried me.

"What? You told me to ask Nick. I was just following your instructions." I smiled innocently as Jake tried to contain his laughter by putting his hand over his mouth and looking down at the chessboard.

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