5 - Why are you such an ass? The world may never know.

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"Look at that frigging giant bird!" I pointed to the sky.

"You screamed because of a bird?" Ryan's voice was dangerously low and slow.

"For all you know, a bird stole my ice cream when I was eight, and I was traumatized by it." I crossed my arms.

"Yeah right. Very likely." Ryan grunted.

"Hey! Just because someone has it worse than me doesn't mean that you can ignore my suffering." I waved my finger in the air, stifling a laugh.

"But I wasn't -- But you didn't -- but -- but-" Ryan sputtered. "Just get in the goddamn car."

"Awww, is the big bad gang leader flustered?" Alexis teased.

"Big bad gang leader? Really?" Lamont asked, crossing his arms. "Then what am I? Super scary sidekick?"

"No, you're the frenchiest fry." Alexis deadpanned.

Lamont sucked in a smile and shook his head. "What are we going to do with you two? And how di-"

"We are going to take them to the house, that's what we are going to do." Ryan interrupted.

"Fine fine, we get the message." Lamont grumbled as he opened the door of the car for us.

"I would say l but ladies first, but I think if I did, I would be hit multiple times by both of you."

"Also, you have a personalized french soccer jersey, so either you really liked France or you are a citizen, and I happened to guess." Alexis told him as she slid across the seat.

"Nerd." I teased her as I slid in right next to her.

"Hey! Watching Sherlock isn't that nerdy. It's educational!" She informed me, mocking being offended.

"Whatever you say babe." I said as I kissed her cheek.

"Scoot over lovebirds. Oh wait, you two are already as close as possible." Lamont teased us as he gently shoved me and slid into the seat next to me.

"Hey! One day, you may feel the same, if you find a girl who can actually love you." I deadpanned, resting a hand on his shoulder, not breaking eye contact.

I could hear Ryan suppress a laugh from the driver's seat as he adjusted the mirror.

"Who's the guy next to Ryan?" Alexis asked Lamont.

"He's the second in command." Lamont told us.

"Are you saying you're not second in command?" Alexis mock gasped.

Lamont rolled his eyes.

"Hey! My girlfriend will not take that type of disrespect." I pointedly told him.

"Can you guys shut it for one second?" The second in command groaned.

"Maybe." Alexis's face scrunched up as she mock glared at him. "Maybe not."

"Just shut the fuck up!" He groaned, leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

"Language!" I scolded him on Alexis behalf.

"That didn't seem to stop you from cursing me out when I slung you over my shoulder." Ryan chuckled. "Does your girlfriend not like cursing? Awww, how sweet. You don't curse around her."

I leaned forward to flick the back of his head but came in contact with air.

"Princess, you're dealing with a gang leader. I think we have better reflexes than that."


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