4 - Mr. Frenchie (Fry)

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I stood over West's slumped body, a smile etched from ear to ear.

I set down the ice cream bowl I used to hit West with, and unplugged every computer in sight.

I grabbed a wing from the box as I looked around the room for the key to unlock that stupid door.

"Where the fuckity fuck is that key?" I mumbled to myself, but because I still had a wing in my mouth, it came out more like, "Wew da fughi fugh is wat key?"

I gulped down what was left of the wing, and was rustling through the drawers for more food, but instead came across a key.

I frowned at it angrily.

"You were supposed to be chocolate." I pouted as I sauntered over to the door.

I stuck the key in, grabbed one last wing, and then re-locked the door from the outside.

I wandered down random hallways, until finally admitting defeat and going back into the room I had just locked.

"Where the fuck is that map I saw earlier?" I murmured to myself.

"You know, talking to yourself is the first sign of insanity." I heard a familiar voice call.

"You know, not giving your girlfriend a kiss when you see her is the first sign of a crushed relationship." I mocked Alexis.

I flipped her off behind my back and continued searching for that map.

"You know, flipping off your girlfriend isn't how you greet them." Alexis teased.

"You know, calling your girlfriend insane isn't how you're supposed to greet her." I mocked Alexis.

She put her arms around my waist and hugged me from behind.

"You know I love you so so so much." She whispered in my ear.

"Ditto. I love you so fu-" I started.

"Language." Alexis chided me.

"-reaking much. I love you so freaking much." I finished.

I turned around and gave her a peck on the cheek.

I lean my forehead against hers, brushing her hair behind her ear.

"May I kiss you?" I whisper as I stare at her chocolate-coated eyes.

Mascara flaked her eyelashes and her eyeliner wing was smudged, but she still looked perfect.

"Of course." She whispers against my lips.

I close the space between us, kissing her deeply, one finger propping up her chin, and rest resting on her perfectly clear skin.

I break the kiss, in need of air, but don't remove my hand from her silky smooth skin. Instead, I slide it down her body until I reached her waist, where I wrapped it around her.

"I love you." Alexis whispered as I stared into her eyes.

There were a thousand shades of brown, all weaved together to create the perfectly round iris, the golden honey color that flaked her eyes was but the bow on top of the basket.

"I love y-" I started, but before I got the chance to finish my sentence, a certain asshole interrupted me.

"You." I raised my voice to speak over Ryans, as I flipped him off.

"Well, if it isn't the lovebirds." Ryan smirked as he started his dramatic speech over again. "You made a mi-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. I made a mistake, yada yada yada." This time, it was my turn to interrupt. "I brought her here and we are now going to be dragged into something we don't want to be dragged into, which by the way, it would be a lot easier if you just let us go, I mean nobody would believe us anyway, and now you're about to say something along the lines of 'Yes they would you're just saying that to get away from me' blah blah blah who the frickity frick cares?"

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