11 - Give me all your money

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"Hey, Nick I need your money!" I shouted over my shoulder as the pizza boxes were transferred into my arms.

"Catch!" Nick shouted as he chucked his wallet at me.

Instinctively, I ducked, used to having Quinn and Brandon chuck hard things at me for fun. Such great siblings.

Lucky for me, the pizza man caught it and just took out what he needed in cash.

"Thanks." I said as he put the wallet on top of the pizza boxes.

"You and your boyfriend have a nice night." He gave me a small nod and took the steps back down two at a time.

"You too." I said, nodding at his back. It took me a moment to realize what he had said. "Wait we're not dating." I said, confused. "We're just friends."

He gave me a small chuckle and shook his head. "Whatever you say."

I shook my head and turned on my heel, stepping back into the house. Eager to eat my pizza, I slammed the door and dropped the pizza down on the counter.

"I'll be taking this." Nick said as he took his wallet and one of the many pizza boxes. "So long suckers."

"Heck no." I said as I crossed my arms. "All this pizza is mine."

"Who paid for it?"

"Who talked to the pizza guy for it?"

"Who's girlfriend was said was your girlfriend?" Alexis crossed her arms. "I deserve all the pizzas."

"Alexis wins." I said, pointing beside me at Alexis.

"Whipped." Nick caughed.

"Who's the poor soul who's whipped?" Ryan asked, emerging from the stairs. He closed the door behind him, not sparing it a second glance. "Let me guess, it's Hazel? The dear gang leaders brother?"

"Correct my brotha." Nick nodded in Ryan's general direction as he opened the pizza box and took out a slice.

"Brotha?" Alexis asked, making a face.

"He is my adopted brother." Ryan deadpanned.

"What is wrong with you?" Alexis shook her head.

"So what was the deal you made with Quinn?" I asked, breaking the silence that had fallen upon us. "As his sister, I think I deserve to know."

Ryan held up one finger, telling me to give him a moment to swallow the bite of pizza he had. "I don't think you are qualified enough to get that information." He told me after swallowing. "You don't want to know the deal I made with him either."

"What did you do to him?" I demanded, fear overtaking logic. He wouldn't kill my brother, would he?

As if reading my mind, Ryan said, "I'm not going to kill or hurt him. The deal benefits both of us once he decides to accept it."

I said nothing, trying to get Ryan to explain this plan further.

"You're not getting anything else out of me, princess." Ryan told me with a chuckle as he grabbed for another slice of pizza.

I made a face and took another slice of my precious cheese pizza, slumping in my seat.


"That's just who I am, princess." 

"Then you're going to be a dead fool."

"What do you think he did with Quinn?" I asked Alexis

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"What do you think he did with Quinn?" I asked Alexis.

We were in our room, it was after dinner and we were getting ready for bed.

"I dunno." She said as she tossed her hair up into a ponytail.

I opened the blinds, watching the sun paint the sky all different shades of red and yellow. The flowers in the fields gently swayed from side to side, dancing to the rhythm of the wind as it pushed them around.

I sighed and turned around, grabbing the sweatpants I took from Jason not a hour ago and changing into them, too tired to care about folding my jeans.

"I'm just worried about him. Quinn's an idiot, he's going to get himself into all kinds of trouble." I turned back to the window and opened it.

The gentle breeze made the drapes glide around in the air as I leaned against the sill and poked my head through the opened window.

"He'll be fine. He's a gang leader, he can't be that much of an idiot and still be alive." Alexis joked.

I heard the covered shuffle and I assumed she had gotten into bed, but the light pitter patter of her footsteps told me otherwise. She wrapped her arms around my waist and laid her head on my back.

"He's fine." She reassured me as she swayed. "He's a tough cookie. He's a gang leader. He's not going to do anything stupid, at least not yet. Not while his favorite two girls are still with his rival."

"I'm not so much worried about him doing something stupid as I am about Ryan doing something stupid that will hurt Quinn, or Ryan telling Quinn to do something stupid." I put my head in my hands. "I should have never gone searching for him. I should have texted him instead of you, then you wouldn't be stuck here and maybe I wouldn't be here either."

She pressed kissed up my neck and traced figure eights onto my arm. "We are going to get out of this, don't you worry. Now come to bed." Alexis gave me a slight push towards the bed while she closed the window and shut the blinds, not bothering with the decorative drapes.

She climbed into bed beside me, dry swallowing her pill.

"What do you think Ryan said to him?" I wondered aloud.

"Maybe Ryan is in love with Quinn and wants Quinn to go on a date with him?" Alexis joked.

I rested my head on her shoulder. "Very likely."

"It is!"


Little did I know, she would be closer to the truth than either of us could ever imagine. 

Word Count: 1081 words

Written on 1/21/2018

Edited on 2/25/2018

Hello dragon children. 

Sorry for the short chapter, it's kind of a filler. I think a lot of the next few chapters will be fillers, but hopefully, I'll get some Hazel/Alexis fluff in there.

Also, for the month of February, I am doing this thing where I do a small prompt using Alexis and Hazel each day, so go check that out. I will hopefully update every day, so go add that to your library if you ship Hazel and Alexis. 

I really need a ship name for them. Please comment and tell me if you have a ship name for them, and I'll give you a shoutout or something in the next chapter.

Also, should I do a song with each chapter? Would you guys like that?

Till next time dragon children. 

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