16 - Car puns are car-efully hidden in this chapter

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Okay so this chapter may be triggering for some readers, so just in case I will put a little notice right before the paragraph or time skip or whatever when it happens.

"SHOTGUN!" Lila shouted as she ran across the driveway to the garage, car keys in hand.

"Love, you're the one who's driving." Mariah chuckled.

"Oh, yeah." Lila frowned. "DRIVER'S SEAT!" She shouted as she started to run again.

Mariah shook her head and let out a slight laugh. "She is always going to drive me crazy."

"Looks like you couldn't dodge that pun." I laughed.

"Oh no." Mariah groaned. "What have I done?"

"You got yourself into a truckload of trouble." I continued as Mariah slid into shotgun.

"I won't take the backseat in this conversation." Lila added.

Mariah playfully banged her head against the dashboard as Lila and I laughed even louder.

"Give me a break, please." Mariah groaned. "Oh no!" She exclaimed, realizing what she had done.

"And we have converted one more!" I said as I high fived Lila from the backseat.

"I hope you know that I will most likely not wear half of those dresses twice." I told Lila and Mariah as we walked inside.

"Still, you may need those if anything fancy ever happens." Mariah reasoned as she unlocked the main door.

"Maybe, but last time I ended up going to a fancy dinner in jeans and a nice shirt." I laughed, not convinced I would ever wear those yet.

"We'll see."

As we stepped into the lobby we were pelted by nerf bullets, courtesy of Ryan, Quinn, West, Nick, Alex, Jake and James.

"Fuck off." Mariah flipped them off as she peeled a nerf bullet out from inside her shirt.

Lila kicked the pile of Nerf Bullets that lay by out feet that them, squealing as she tripped on one and fell over.

I offered Lila a hand through giggles as Lila continued to kick what she thought were Nerf Bullets at the guys.

"I think you can stop kicking Alex now, Lila." I said as Alex let out a hoot of pain.

"Yeah well serves him right." She said, taking my hand and standing up.

"We didn't hurt you though!" Alex protested.

"Oops, did I kick you a bit too hard?" Lila sarcastically asked. "And do you know how uncomfortable it is to have a Nerf Bullet go down your boobs? No, you don't because you don't have them."

Alex gulped.

"But let me enlighten you, it's hella uncomfterble." Lila said as she reached down her shirt, grabbing the Nerf Bullet that fell into her cleavage.

"Eyes up Alex, West." Mariah growled.

Lila pulled out the bullet and threw it at Quinn, hitting him in the forehead.

Quinn looked up very and cocked his gun, sending a steady flow of Nerf Bullets behind her as she squealed and ran out of the room, her bag of clothes swinging next to her.

Mariah shot a glare at anyone who raised their gun at her and walked out of the lobby and into the stairwell with me following close behind.

Us girls all had apartments next to each other along with Nick, Sam and Daniel being across from us, Quinn, Ryan, and West being on the floor above us, and then the rest of the guys on the floor under us. Naturally, there was a floor reserved for purely training and weapons and such, which left the only place for the dining room and kitchen on the ground floor with the lobby and game room.

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