0 - Prologue

368 13 3

Unknown PoV:

I cocked my gun, ready to shoot the next person who so much as poked their head around the corner.

The footsteps I heard earlier became louder and louder, until suddenly they stopped.

They mumbled something and then I saw a flash of blue hair poke around the corner.

It was a girl.

But then where had the intruders gone? And how did she get in here?

"Come here Draco you idiot!" She hissed, looking at a dark shape in the train tunnel.

Suddenly it moved into the light.

I chuckled, it was just a small, helpless, fluffy ferret.

"Hello? Who's there?" She asked. She shuffled further into the tunnel. "Quinn? Anyone?"

"Quinn King I swear if you are playing a trick on me I did not hesitate to break your guitar." She threatened the air.


Quinn King.

I knew that name.

Oh right, he was just the leader of our rival gang.

A scowl made its way over my face.

That must mean that this tiny girl right here must be his sister, or a close friend if she would risk her life to go search for King.

I chuckled. This just kept getting better and better.

Now I had the leverage I needed to take him down.

Word Count: 208 words


Edited on 1/11/2018 and 2/21/2018

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