8 - The law doesn't apply to me, I'm in a gang.

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"Slow the freak down Jake!" I yelled, glancing at the speedometer.

"Why?" Jake asked, grinning. "You wanted to get to the pharmacy didn't you? Well, since I am bringing you there, I get to chose the speed."

"You're breaking the law!" Alexis pointed out.

"I'm in a gang. Do you think I care about breaking the law?" Jake asked, eyebrows raised.

"Maybe." Alexis shrugged.

"Well the answer is a no. No I do not give a flying fuck about breaking the law." Jake said.

Noticing Alexis's terrified face, I leaned forward so Jake could hear me and Alexis couldn't.

"Slow the fuck down. Alexis is terrified of going too fast, so slow the fuck down and stop scaring the crap out of her." I breathed. "Got it?"

I leaned back, relaxing in my seat as Jake slowed down.

Alexis shot me a thankful glace as Jake fiddled with the car's radio.

The sound of Ed Sheeran, or ginger jesus as Alexis so fondly calls him, filled the car.

Jake and I laughed as Alexis 'sung' along

"You call that singing?" Jake said through fits of laughter.

"Of course it's singing!" Alexis pouted.

"Wouldn't be too sure of that babe." I said as I put a hand on her shoulder. "It's okay to not be good at something, you just have to accept it and move on."

"I'm not bad at singing!" Alexis protested.

"The first step is admitting it is saying it outloud." I said, ignoring her protested. "Repeat after me, I can not sing. This is screeching."

"I can sing. This is not screeching." She said, sticking her tongue out at me.

"You sure about that?" Jake threw a glance over his shoulder at us.

"Hey! Eyes on the road, mister." Alexis said, snapping her fingers at him.

"Yeah yeah whatever." Jake mumbled as he turned around. "It's not like we are going to get in a car accident."

I glanced at Alexis, who now had her head resting in her hands.

"Just drive." I told him, flicking the back of his head through the headrest.

I glanced at Alexis, who still had her head in her hands.

"Hey hey hey, you're fine, we're fine. We're not going to get in an accident." I softly cooed, placing my arms around her.

"No it's not, it's my fault they died." She sniffled, raising her head out of her hands to look at me.

Her eyes were starting to get red, and you could see the wetness her teardrops left behind.

"It's not your fault." I said sternly, taking her hands in mine. "It was a car accident. Not your fault. An accident."

"I just can't help but feel as though it was my fault." Alexis sniffles as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"It's not and never will be." I put my arm around her shoulder and used the three to play with her hair.

Jake shot me a questioning glance, with I replied to by shooting him a death glare, that read, "don't question it".

The music of the radio wrapped around the otherwise silent atmosphere as we pulled into the Pharmacy.

The synchronized click of the doors told me that Jake unlocked them and I got out, reaching a hand out to Alexis to help her get out.

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