10 - Patience, young padawan.

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"Yeah, and I'm the tooth fairy." I could practically hear my brother's eye roll from here.

I bit my lip to prevent the chuckle that was building in my throat from escaping.

"No, I'm serious." Ryan sighed, putting one hand on his desk and looking down. "Your sister and her lovely girlfriend are here. You wanna say hi girls?" Ryan looked at us and turned the phone towards us.

"Hi Quinn." We shouted, our words jumbling together.

"What do you want with them? This is between us, don't drag them into this." Quinn growled.

"Too late." Ryan said in a sickeningly sweet voice. "I quite like your sister and her girlfriend."

"I have a name you know." Alexis said, making a face at him.

"Yeah yeah whatever." Ryan moved the phone away from his mouth. "Shut up." He mouthed.

"Hazel has a girlfriend?" My eyes flew open.

I cursed. Naturally, I hadn't gotten the opportunity to tell Quinn about Alexis, seeing as he was always gone when she was over.

"Do you want to speak to them?" He asked, the phone back in its original position.

Without waiting for a reply, he handed the phone over to me.

"Yo Quinn, what's up." I said, turning away from Alexis's outstretched hand.

"Since when do you have a girlfriend?" He asked, sounding like a sorry, lost puppie.

I winced. I could tell he was hurt.

"You were always gone when she was over." I told him.

Alexis finally won the battle and took the phone from me.

"Listen here, moron, you were always gone. Hazel went out searching for you. This mess is as mch your fault as it is hers, if not more. If you had just told her, we wouldn't be in this mess. You're lucky she called me and not you, because from what i've heard, you wouldn't have picked up and she would've been caught." Alexis hissed.

"Remind me not to get on her bad side." Jason leaned down and whispered into my ear.

"No promises." I glanced up at him.

"You are lucky she loves you, because I would've killed you long before this. You don't just ignore your only sister, heck, only sibling that is still regularly talking to you, or trying to. You are lucky to still have her, idiot." Alexis continued.

I held out my hand for the phone, but she held up one finger, asking for one more moment.

"Asshole." She spat as she handed me the phone again.

"Dude, if you resort Alexis to cursing, you know you messed up." I let out a nervous chuckle. "That was my girlfriend, by the way. She's been mine for about a year and a half now, and we were going to tell you right around when you started disappearing."

Quinn was silent throughout all of this, as was Ryan.

"Sorry." He mouthed. "Didn't realise."

I nodded in return. It wasn't like we were going to get a much better time for the 'big reveal'.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Quinn finally said after a long time.

"You remember the whole Ben ordeal?" I asked.

I was meeting up with Ben, and Quinn saw us together and thought we were dating. He threatened Ben extensively, and we weren't even dating.

A meek "Yeah" made its way through the phone.
I nodded, but remembered he couldn't see me. "Exactly. I was scared. And us being Queer on top of that? It was basically a death sentence."

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