19 - I don't even know your name

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Please read the authors note a the end, it's important

Also slight trigger warning, I mention self-harm scars in the part right after all the years stuff.

"If you hadn't made me give you the keys I could've seen her while she was still alive! I could've prevented her death!" Quinn turned and accused me.

"Quinn," I started.

"Sorry, but she would anyways would have died, we tried the defibrillator and it didn't work. You coming earlier would not have made a difference." The nurse said as she took out all of the wires and tubes from Hazel's skin.

"I'm sorry for your loss."

5 years later

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5 years later

It had been five years.

Five years since Hazel's death.

Five years since my life had been torn apart, piece by piece.

Five years since my brother had last spoken to me.

Five years since Hazel's death, but four years since Ryan and I's breakup.

Four years since I've dated someone.

Four years since I moved to a whole other continent.

Four years since I've held a gun.

Yeah, life went on but the memories stuck with me forever. Every corner I turned, something or someone reminded me of Hazel. I couldn't take it anymore and moved from the small island that many call Great Britain to America.

Or more specifically New York City.

It killed me to see her at her funeral, which was open casket, with her lifelessly pale, blue tinted skin. The only thing that hurt me more than my sisters body lying in her casket was the prominent, white, angry scars on her wrist. I never even knew that they existed. They look rather old, but still. I should've been there for her. I should've noticed. I can't believe I didn't notice.

The only thing I still had of Hazel's was the engagement ring she was going to give to Alexis, the one that she had on a chain around her neck. That chain now rested around mine. That and her old, beat-up guitar that I had given to her as a twelfth birthday present.

I taught myself guitar in her absence. A bit like a coping mechanism some would say. A way to connect with her but not something that was overwhelmingly Hazel. I mean, she did quit guitar after a year of hard practicing, claiming her fingers just weren't big enough to do bar chords yet.

Everyday I visited the Hazel Bridge, a small bridge over a river that lead out of New York City.

(A/N I don't know if this is real, I made it up)

Everyday I would take some flowers from a patch of grass just outside of where my apartment lay and brought them to the bridge, where I would put them right at the beginning. Hazel always did that with our mother and father's graves, or rather where their ashes were spread.

One day, right as I had plucked a few flowers from the small patch of land, someone interrupted me.

"Hey! Hey! Don't take those flowers man!" He shouted, jogging over while holding his hand up.

"Pardon?" I asked.

"I said, don't take those flowers." He had finally reached me and stopped right in front of me, his arms crossed over his chest. He was wearing an apron that said 'Flamboyant Flowers' on it in cursive writing. "Some people actually take the time out of their day to plant those and then you just rip them and all their hard work away. The girl you're bringing the flowers to must be really great if you're taking flowers from here. Or really bad because you aren't buying flowers for her."

"However I'm meeting and why I'm bringing her flowers isn't your business." I said, turning on my heel and beginning to walk away.

"Look, let me at least buy you flowers for this girl. She doesn't deserve this crap." He said, motioning towards the flowers I was holding.


He disappeared inside the small storefront I never noticed before, coming out a minute later with a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

"Now I'm going to make sure this girl you're bringing these two was worth the seven-dollars fifty-six out of my paycheck for those."

I did say anything, just took the flowers and started walking to the bridge.

After a few minute he started to talk to me.

"So what's the girls name?" He asked me, trying to keep up with my fast pace.


"Is she a date? A girlfriend?" He continued.


"A . . . fiancee? A wife?" He tried again.


"Well then who is she?" He asked exasperatedly, waving his arms around.

By this time we were a few meters away from the bridge and I was getting ready to take them out and put them on the bridge.

"Hey hey hey, what do you think you are doing?" He asked as I placed them onto the bridge.

I gestured towards the plack that said the name of the bridge and said, "My sister died a few years ago, her name is Hazel, her ashes are spread under a bridge in England, I moved to get away from all the pity from everyone but I still want to honor her memory.

"Hey, I'm-I'm real sorry." He said softly, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"It's fine. You didn't know. I don't want your pity." I said abruptly, turning on my heel and walking off in the direction of my restaurant.

"Hey, if you want to buy flowers from my shop I'll give you a fifty percent discount." He called after me.

I smiled to myself.

Even though I didn't say anything I knew I would take the offer.

He was, after all, fairly cute.

"I don't even know your name." He called again.


Word Count: 937 words

Written on: 6/26/2018

Edited on: no

sorry for the really really late update guys, I was a bit swamped with school work and a medical issue and quite honestly I forgot about this story.

I'm also not really feeling it anymore, so unless I decide to do an epilogue this is the ending. And to think I was one chapter off from 20 chapters.

Quite honestly it didn't go how I wanted it to go, and I'm constantly seeing mistakes in my writing and plot holes and I just kind of hate it and have become uninterested.

I may do a new story, I have an idea for a couple stories and I'm really into one of them and have had it planned out a lot, however I don't know how much time I have to write so I may first write it all out before I start posting chapters.

Thank you guys for reading and voting and occasionally commenting, it means the world to me and I hope that you guys find exactly the book you want to read, that's well written, and long. 

Have a great day you guys, wherever you are.


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