2 - Who do you think you are, Albertitio?

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As Quinn walked right past it, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I then muttered a small prayer of thanks as Quinn went back through the door he came through.

I scrambled down the pipe I was on, landing with a thump.

I patted around my neck, looking for Draco.

"Draco? Draco?" I whispered into the darkness after I felt nothing.

I picked up the anklet I had dropped and stood up, dusting myself off. 

Suddenly a little snout appeared upside down, hanging from the top of my head.

"You little munchkin. C'mon Draco, we've got to go." I placed him back around my neck and started walking back the way I came out.

"Draco!" I hissed as he squirmed around. "Stop it."

I hissed as his claws dug into my shoulder.

"Goddamnit Draco!" I snapped at him as he jumped from my shoulder and scurried into the darkness.

I followed the familiar flash of white as Draco ran out of the tunnel.

Because of my current physical shape, Draco easily pulled ahead, and I lost sight of him.

"Draco you foul little git, no wonder Hermione punched you." I muttered, hands on my knees, bent over, trying to catch my breath.

"Looking for this?" A voice behind me said.

I spun around, only to be surprised with a man, holding Draco in his arms, walking towards me.

"He slowed down a while ago. I'm surprised you didn't notice. Draco, is it?" He asked.

"Who are you?" I asked, not taking my eyes off him.

"Curious little thing, isn't he?" The man said, completely ignoring my question. "Do you want him back?"

"Of course!" I exclaimed. "Who wouldn't want the pet they were just chasing back? No, I think I did all that running for fun and don't want him anymore. Bye." I gave a sarcastic wave.

"Always the sarcastic one, Hazel, as opposed to your dearest brother, who-"

"My brother can go rot in Hell for all I care. But not for long, that bastard better come back, maybe a month or two. Just a scare. Kinda like Dean." I interrupted. "And how the hell do you know my name?"

"I have my sources, dearest Hazel, now take back your weird rat thing." He said, making a face as Draco scrambled around in his arms. 

"Ferret." I glared at him. "And I would gladly take Draco back."

I took Draco from his outstretched hands and placed him around my neck.

"Yes yes yes, who's a good little ferret?" I cooed, ripping my arm out of the strangers hold.

"Princess, don't fight me." He warned.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because, princess, you are going to be coming with me." He glared.

"Is that so?" I met his glare. "Because I happen to have a life, a bad, small, sad life, but still a life, that I need to get back to."

"Is that so?" He mocked me. "Because your brother and I have some unfinished business to take care of, and you are going to be my leverage. He wouldn't hurt his only sister, now would he?"

"Fuck off, mate." I said in my best British accent, which wasn't very good.

"Princess, there's going to be no use struggling, so I'd appreciate it if I didn't have to use the sedative I brought with me. It would be a waste." He told me as he picked me up and slung me over his shoulder.

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