14 - Please don't murder me after you read this (and yes this is a chapter)

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Ryan's PoV

I ran my hand through my hair, something I would never do if I were not in this situation. It had been half a year since Hazel first entered her coma.

Half a year since Alexis got shot.

Half a year since I watched the life leave her eyes.

Half a year since Quinn left her side.

Half a year since our gangs joined together.

Half a year since our house blew up.

Half a year since we killed those bastards.

"Quinn, you need to get some sleep." I gently told him, frowning as he stifled a yawn. "You also need a shower. You've been by her side for a few weeks. Go home. Get some sleep. Take a shower. Nothing will happen to her, I promise."

"Are you sure nothing will happen to her?" He said, looking like a lost puppy.

"Yes, now go home and get some sleep." I told him, giving him a small pat on the back.

"Fine, fine, I'm going." He said, hand up in the air as if surrendering to my demands. "Bye Ryan."

"Bye Quinn."

I used two fingers to move his chin over to face me and pecked his lips.

"Did you think you could escape without a kiss?" I chuckled.

"Anything to go to sleep sooner." He joked.

I ruffled his hair and gave him a small push. "Take a taxi home, I don't want you falling asleep behind the wheel."

He gave me a small, sleepy nod while walking out the door, half closing it behind him.

I shook my head and took my place behind the girl I had grown to love in the two weeks we spent together.

Her hair had grown longer while she was in her coma and was incredibly pale now- and she was pale before going into her coma.

Yet, they didn't pull life support, half because Quinn would rage if they did and half because she still had brain waves, blood flow, and is breathing.

I sighed, doubting that she would wake up now, getting out my phone and scrolling through tumblr, a site Hazel had introduced me to in our time together.

Eventually I found myself drifting off to the steady sound of a heart monitor and the gentle colors of tumblr.

"Achoo!" A loud, heavy sneeze woke me up.

I glanced around the room, looking for the person that had sneezed, only to see no one.

I pressed the help button, still dubious as to who had sneezed and not ready to get my hopes up only to have them be crushed by the harsh news of a nurse.

I glanced at Hazel's heart monitor to see a momentary skip of a beat as who I thought was she sneezed again, this time her hands and arms moving a little.

I texted Quinn, telling him Hazel sneezed twice and her heart skipped a beat while sneezing, but not to get his hopes up seeing as the nurse hadn't come yet.

The squeak of shoes on he plastic tile altered me to the presence of a nurse, who I told what I had just experienced.

"It may just be a temporary state of awareness, that happens often to patients, or she may wake up sometime soon." She told me, gazing sympathetically at me.

My phone dinged a ding that could only belong to one person, namely Quinn.

All it said was I'm coming, nothing more, nothing less.

I rolled my eyes at my phone screen. Typical boyfriend.

My breath caught in my throat at what happened next- Hazel profously cursing and then slapping a hand over her mouth as she remembered that Alexis didn't like it.

I smiled sadly. "How are you?" I gently asked.

"I just woke up from a hella long coma, how do you think?" Hazel snapped. "I'm fan-friggin-tastic."

"Glad to see you're back to yourself." I chuckled. "Oh yeah, your brother will be gracing us with his presence any moment now."

"Lovely. What happened?" She asked me.

"After the explosion?"

"When else?"

"Well," I shifted around and then sat back down in a chair.

The wall crumbled behind us as the gang members ran in, guns blazing. Our gangs merged together and fought as one to protect us from the attacking gang.

"Well, look who it is!" A familiar voice called.

"Ryan, buddie." Another added.

"Guys? What's going on?" I asked, confused as to why they were pointing a gun at me.

"Well, you see, you were getting a little too powerful for our liking. We needed to do something about it." He snickered. "Quinn was always your soft spot, it's obvious you're a faggot, anyone can tell."

"We took the opportunity to take down the biggest gang in the area and partner up with the next king. It's a win win situation really." The other said.

"And now, it's your turn to say goodbye to the world and move on." The gun touched my chest and he got an evil glint in his eyes.

"You realize you don't have to do this." I started.

"Do you really think that we're going to get out of here alive if we don't kill you? It's either your gang, you, or our boss who will kill us if we don't kill you." He snarled. "It's kill or get killed, catch up."

"You guys were my best friends though, what happened?" I protested, stalling for time.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Alexis moving towards us, a baseball bat she had most likely gotten from West in her hands. "What happened to us?"

"'We' died when you started obsessing over Quinn." He hissed.

"We were over a long time ago." The other added.

"Guys, please." As much as I hated begging, it seemed that I had no other option at the time. Alexis was about ready to hit and they were about ready to shoot.

"Behind you!" Someone called.

My assailants spun around and saw Alexis.

Three gunshots rang out across the room of fighting, followed by a loud thud. 

Word Count: 1014 words

Written on 3/27/2018

Edited on

So, first of all, I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who stuck around with my book, read it and maybe even voted, and a big sorry for not updating sooner. I had tried writing the explosion, but every time I did that it didn't work out so I finally did something different and it worked out, but then I couldn't write the ending so I finally did that as well.

I finally finished this chapter (no thanks to my internet friends who just yelled at me about a few things) (I'm talking about you Madeline and you Rian) in a 7 hour car ride, and have another 7 hour ride and a 12 hour one ahead of me so maybe I'll finish another chapter or two by then.


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