9 - Are you just mocking me now?

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"So why did you even kidnap me?" I asked, swirling my finger around my spoon. We were eating dinner with the gang, which was surprisingly good. "Also do you guys have a cook or something?"

"I'm the cook." Nick said, raising his hand a little.

"The foods good. Respect." I said, nodding my head in his general direction.

"We kidnapped you because your brother is the leader of a rival gang, and we needed some leverage against them." Ryan said, ignoring Nick and I's little exchange.

"Why do you need the leverage?" I asked.

"We're rivals, duh." Alex said, flicking his spoon at me.

I wrinkled my nose as small drops of broth landed on the leather jacket I had stolen from Alexis.

"That's my jacket!" Alexis exclaimed as she examined the splattered side. She narrowed her eyes at Alex. "First my name, then my jacket? What's next, my girlfriend?"

"It's because we want to be the best gang and we need to get back at them. We've had this feud going on for a while, and we want to be the ones to end up on top." Ryan explained, once again ignoring all else that was happening.

I rolled my eyes. "Egomaniacs." I muttered.

"What was that?" Ryan asked, raising one eyebrow.

"How the heckity heck do you raise one eyebrow?" I blurted out. "I can only ever do both."

"The same way other people can roll their r's and you can't." Alexis teased me, breaking her glare from Alex.

I gave her a slight nudge with my shoulder, just enough that she leaned a little to the side, but not too much that it would hurt her.

"So how are you guys going to end up on top?" I asked, switching the subject to avoid anything else that Alexis could potentially embarrass me with.

"Threaten him. Tell him to call off the attacks on us, and to stop fighting with us or else his sister is going to stay with us for a while." This time it was Ryder's turn to talk.

"Cool. I'm down with it." I said as I uncrossed my arms and leaned back in my seat, the remaining soup broth long cold.

"You're just going to let them do that?" Alexis turned to me. "To your own brother?"

"It'll do him good." I reasoned. "He hasn't exactly been a good brother, or twin, over the last few months, so it'll be good to scare him."

"You're lucky to have him, you know." Alexis shook his head at me. "You should be thankful for your brother while he's still here." Alexis stood up from the table, her chair flung backward by her sudden movement. "Where should I put this?" She asked holding up here soup bowl and looking at Nick.

"Kitchen." He said, nodding towards where the kitchen presumably was.

She kissed the top of my head as she passed me.

"Don't do anything stupid." I whispered, leaning my head back.

"I won't." She promised me as she made her way into the kitchen and then back upstairs to our room.

"What's up with her?" Alex asked, making a face. "Is it that time of the month?"

My hand flew out to whack the back of his head, and with the sound that was heard afterward, I had hit my target.

"Something I ... said struck a chord with her." I carefully said, trying not to reveal anything Alexis wouldn't want them knowing.

Ryan raised an eyebrow.

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