12 - Magical self-propelling pieces of wood.

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The next week passed, still leaving us wondering what Ryan's deal was.

Alexis was still insistent on her theory that Ryan was in love with Quinn and wanted Quinn to go on a date with him, but no one seemed to believe her.

Our week was spent inside of our room, if we left it we were bombarded with people moving things around and pieces of wood flying everywhere.

"Holy mother of rectangles!" I yelled as a piece of wood flew toward my head. "Where the fuck do you guys get all this wood from?" Alexis was in the shower and the containment of the week had started to get to me. "One of you easy bake ovens need to tell me what the heckity heck is going on here, or I will go and murder Ryan myself." I demanded, crossing my arms.

"Sorry." Jason sheepishly shot me a grin. "I didn't mean to throw that at you. I was aiming for Ryder."

I glanced around me, raising an eyebrow. "Ryder isn't even near me. He's on the opposite side of the room."

"I have really bad aim?"

"Is that a question or are you telling me this?"


I uncrossed my arms and shifted my weight from both feet to one. "You're hopeless." I sighed and rolled my eyes. "So what are you guys actually doing?" I directed the question at West, looking him right in the eyes.

"We don't actually know." West told me, his eyes skirting around the room, not meeting my glare. "The boss just told us to make lots of room for guests, and that means actually furnishing the rooms. As for the wood, who knows how Jason got that in here."

I rolled my eyes, breaking the ice cold glare I was giving West. "Idiots." I mumbled. I shifted my weight back over to my other foot and crossed my arms again. "Well can one of you tell me where the heckity heck Ryan is? I'd like a word or two."

"He should be in his office." Nick said from behind a dresser. He dropped his his onto the floor, leaving a bewildered Alex carrying the other side. "I'll bring you down." He said as he dusted off his hands, getting all the small splinters and dusts of wood off.

I stayed silent as I followed him down the marble staircase and into the dank basement. "What died since the last time I was here?" I said, wrinkling my nose as a nasty smell made its way to my nose.

"Ryan's dignity." Nick deadpanned. "And a few bugs after eating the food that fell behind furniture." Nick waved his hand in front of his nose, trying to get rid of the smell. "You get used to it." He grimaced.

I shook my head as Nick knocked on the closed office door that held a wild and un-showered Ryan.

"Come in." Ryan's voice replied after a moment.

Nick turned the knob with one hand and slid the door open with the other.

I gasped as the door opened. He didn't look as bad as an un-showered Ryan, he looked worse. "Dude what the heck is wrong with your hair?" I blurted out unintentionally.

Ryan raised an eyebrow as Nick's hand trailed down the door and mine flew to my mouth.

"What the hell did you do to it?" Nick asked, his face echoing my shock.

"Why? Does it not look nice?" Ryan frowned at us. "I can change it if you want."

"Yes please."

"Immediately." We said at the same time.

Ryan's face fell flat. "Is it really that bad?"

In reply Nick turned him to face the mirror in his office.

As Ryan turned I was able to get a 180 view of his hair. The front was half gelled half brushed back, like fetus Draco Malfoy, and the back made a little swoop up. His hair stuck in clumps and you could tell he couldn't see what he was doing.

"Oh jesus." Ryan gasped. "It really is that bad." Ryan turned from side to side, swiveling around in his chair as he tugged at his hair, trying to get it back in it's normal position.

Nick spun him back around in his chair and chuckled. "Next time do your hair in front of a mirror." Nick suggested.

"Why the heck do you have a mirror in your office?" I made a face at the mirror. "Are you narcissistic or something? Are you just so obsessed with your appearance? Oh I know, you're in love with yourself!" I gave a small clap.

"What no!" Ryan protested.

"It's okay, don't worry. It's kinda sorta not really that common to be in love with yourself and it's perfectly normal to be in love with yourself." I teased Ryan, knowing exactly how to push his buttons. My brothers were the same way, always hating my fake 'it's okay' rants. A pang of sadness flickered through me. I couldn't believe it, but I actually missed the shit heads. "Oh wait, it really isn't." I added.

Ryan leaned down on his desk, his forehead touching the desktop.

"Be careful, we wouldn't want your hair gel to get on the desk, now would we." I teased.

Ryan flipped me off, not bothering to look up. "Why are you here anyways? Don't you have stuff to do?" He asked, lifting his head a little off the table.

"I wanted to know why Alexis and I are stuck in our room and why you're moving furniture all over the place. I want to know who the guests are." I told him. Almost as an afterthought, I added, "I also want to know about the deal you made with my brother."

"I'm going to go." Nick pointed out the door. "It seems like I'm not needed anymore." He gave a nervous chuckle.

"Yes yes, go, you're dismissed." Ryan waved his hand in Nick's general direction, still not sitting up.

Nick slid out the door, gently shutting it behind him.

I crossed my arms and moved back a little, expecting Ryan to sit up properly now. "So? You gonna tell me?"

"Yeah." A small chuckle escaped his lips. "You're not going to like it." Ryan was now sitting up, rubbing the red mark the table made on his forehead.

"Well? Are you going to tell me or not?" I tapped my foot impatiently.

"Yeah." Ryan said as he put his arm back down, gesturing towards the chair across from him. "Take a seat. It's a long story. Not really, but still."

Word Count:  1095 words

Written on 1/29/2018

Edited on 2/25/2018

So this chapter is a little over-due, but ehhh. I just wasn't in the mood to write. 

I saw the greatest showman this weekend, and let me tell you, that movie is amazing. Usually, I don't cry during films or get goosebumps from movie music. This movie had me crying twice, and almost every song gave me goosebumps. 

It's just so good ugh.

I am hoping to update next weekend, but with my OTP prompts book going on during February you guys may get fewer updates and/or shorter chapters. 

Hi, this is editing me, both happened but I'm working on chapter 13 currently so thats coming soon.

But, if you check out my OTP prompts book, I will be updating that every day so there's something to look forward to.

Or I will try my best to update every day.

Bye dragon children. 

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