Kim's Journey Of A Lifetime Chap. 2

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Chapter 2

"Omg. I can't believe she did that! I mean she's she our pastor and everything."

"Yeah Cynth., she hit me. Again. What's not to believe? And correction, she's your pastor. To me, she's just another religious preachin' hypocrite, who so happens to be the woman who gave birth to me."

"That's harsh."

"Who's side are you on??? I'll tell you what's harsh. Harsh is her accusing me all the time and judging me! Harsh is her getting upset and freaking out over me telling the truth about how I feel. HARSH? Harsh is her SLAPPING ME, Cynth.! That's HARSH! You hear me??? That's what the.... harsh is! OK?????"

"Ok. I got it Pastor Mary is h-"

"Stop calling her Pastor Mary! She's not a real pastor. She's a fake. God said you must be called. And I believe that any calls she got from God wasn't telling her to go be a pastor. But probbaly saying something more like: Wake-up before you go to hell! Stop cuz I'm not a play toy! That's what HER calling sounded like."


"Mhm." I was thinking....

"What's with the sad face, Kim?

"You know I almost got into a wreck, on the way over here? I almost died...But I didn't. Why? Because God saved me. He spared my life,Cynth. And well maybe he was trying to tell me something. Like maybe he was calling and I'm just now picking up the phone. Maybe, he was trying to tell ME, to wake-up. Like this ain't gonna work, Cynth. He's telling me, I need something different. I need to do something different so I can be blessed..."

"Yeah, like a breakthrough."

"Yeah, a breakthrough. I like the sound of that. Yeah, like...running away." Cynthia bust out laughing at that. I gave her an expression like stop laughing at me. I'm serious.

"What? I'm serious." She stopped and gave me a 'flabbergasted' look, one that said: You joking right; Are you out of your mind? I looked at her reaction, grinned really wide and said,

"Gotcha!" And we both doubled over laughing. "I'm just playing!" I said once I caught my breath.

"Girl, I thought you were serious. You really had me going." she said. In my head I was thinking, was I??? Was I serious? Or was I really just playing? It's not like running away had never crossed my mind before. It certainly had. And I would be eighteen soon anyway. A lot of kids move out at that age. That's all I'd be doing; not really running away, just moving out early. Hmm, something to consider.....


"WHAT!?!" Why the hell did that girl just scream my name like that?

"You dazed out on me."

"Oh, my bad." I said, embarrassed at how lost in my thoughts I had gotten.

"You alright?" she asked; Sounding more concerned than my mother ever had.

"Yeah, I think I'm gonna leave a little early tomorrow morning and go back home and apoligize."

"To who?" Cynthia asked like she hasn't been having this conversation with me this whole time.

"Who else? Momma!" I said and suddenly Cynthia got the weirdest look on her face ever. You'd swear she just reached....

*Cynthia's P.O.V*


Oh thank-you Jesus! Thank you Lord! FINALLY! Something has rubbed off on her! Maybe all these years I've been putting in with her; Investing all that time was not, in, vain!

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