Chapter 6

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Stiles POV

On this particular Saturday as I finish typing up a newspaper article for my boss that I have been working on for a few days now, I hear my phone make a noise, signalling that I have a new text. I close my laptop, finally done with my work for the day and pull out my phone out of my pocket curiously, wondering who's texting me. To my surprise, I see that is Scott. I can't help but feel happy and excited too.

Scotty: Hey Stiles, how are you?

Stiles: Yeah, I'm good. Just finished my work for the day. What about you?

Scotty: Well, I was trying to mark some of my students' assignments, but Jason keeps on distracting me, so I've decided to give up on it for now.

Stiles: Haha, that's the spirit, Scott.

Scotty: Anyway, the reason I was texting is because Jason keeps begging me to let him hang out with Claudia today.

Stiles: Haha, really?

Scotty: Yeah. I also thought it would be a great way to spend some time with you as well. If you want to, of course.

Stiles: Sounds great, Scotty :)

Stiles: Name the place and the time and we will be there. I'm sure Claudia will love to hang out with Jason again.

Scotty: Alright, cool. Just come around to my house in about an hour? Does that work for you?

Stiles: Yeah, it works, but Scott?

Scotty: Yeah?

Stiles: I don't have your address :P

Scotty: Oh, right, haha, silly me.

Stiles: Same old forgetful McCall.

Scotty: You know it ;)

I can't help but chuckle at the texts, my smile never leaving my face. I feel a lot lighter than I was only minutes before, when I was trying to finish my latest news article. Scott then quickly sends me his address and I tell him that I will see him there. I place my phone back in my pocket and stand up from my desk. I grab my stuff and head out of my office. I say goodbye to some of my colleagues as I leave the building and make my way to my trusty jeep, which has been here for me since... Well, ever, I guess. The jeep used to be Mom's, so it's been around all my life. I jump into the jeep and quickly start the engine and begin driving back home, where Dad is looking after Claudia while I'm at work.

I pull into my driveway 25 minutes later. I quickly get out of the car and rush to the front door, pulling my key out and unlocking the door. I step over the threshold and enter the house. "Hi Clauida, hi Dad!" I call out as I walk through the hall. I hear a squeal of excitement and the sound of footsteps running closer. "Daddy!" Claudia exclaims as she appears at the end of the hall and runs towards me and jumps into my arms. I smile happily as I catch Claudia and pick her up securely, letting my bag fall to the ground beside me. "Hey, Clauds. Did you miss me?" I ask as I gaze down at my daughter's excited face. "Yes!" Claudia replies as she clings onto me with a bright smile on her face. I chuckle at the cute sight. "I missed you too, baby." I tell her before I kiss her gently on the head. I then hear more footsteps, so I look up and see Dad appear from the door that leads to the living room. He smiles at me.

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