Chapter 27

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Stiles POV

I spend the night at the hospital in Scott's room, deciding that I don't want to leave his side. Ever since he fell asleep on me after I first came in, he didn't wake up again for the rest of the night, which is probably a good thing, giving his body some of the rest it needs to cover. I on the other hand didn't sleep much, but I did manage to sleep for a little bit. It is enough for me to cope the next day without collapsing, although I'll probably have to go to bed early tomorrow. It's not really comfortable sleeping on a hospital chair. My neck became very sore very quickly. It was worth it though, just so I could watch over and protect Scott while he sleeps, keeping my promise to stay with him. I hold his hand gently the whole night as well, which I think it is just as much of a benefit for me as it is for Scott. It gives me something to feel grounded to and helps keep me calm, reassuring me that Scott is here, that Scott is alive. I can't even imagine the alternative of Scott not surviving the school shooting. I don't know what I would do without him. It's weird, because I managed to live for 10 years without him, yet now, I don't think that I could ever go that long without Scott again.

The next morning, a doctor came in to see us, very surprised to see that I was still here, but didn't say much about it as he glanced down to see Scott and I were holding hands. I woke Scott up when the doctor came in so the two of them could talk about how he was doing while I listened in carefully. After that, Melissa came in sometime later with breakfast for the both of us, which Scott and I both greatly appreciated. Melissa, Scott and I talk and laugh together while we eat our breakfasts. I feel a lot more relaxed and happier now than I did yesterday, just because I know that Scott is going to be okay. Even though it is still hard to see him in a hospital bed for these specific reasons, it is getting easier for me to handle. His smile is also still so damn infectious and could make anyone's heart melt, I swear.

A couple hours after that, Lydia and Allison arrive with Jason and Claudia to visit Scott, as I rang them a few hours earlier telling them that they should come and visit. Liam, Malia, Kira and Isaac all texted me saying that they'll probably stop by later today.

"Dad!" Jason cries out in relief as he rushes over to the bed. As Jason is still quite little, I help pick him up and place him onto my lap. Usually, I would allow Jason onto Scott's bed, but because of all the stitches, I think it's safer if Jason stays with me.

"Jason." Scott smiles happily and with relief up at his little boy, obviously glad to see that he's okay.

"I was so worried, Dad." Jason sobs, so I hug him a little bit more, trying to comfort him.

"I know, son. I know. But I'm okay, and I'll be home soon. I promise. I love you." Scott tells Jason reassuringly.

"I love you too, Dad. " Jason sniffles. Just then, Allison, Lydia and Claudia walk over to us, Claudia holding onto Lydia's hand. There are tears in Lydia and Allison's eyes. Claudia lets go of Lydia and rushes over to me, leaning up against my chair and grabbing onto my arm.

"Don't do that again, Scott! You scared the hell out of us!" Is the first thing that Allison says through her sobs while Lydia continues to cry quietly.

"Sure, I'll definitely try to dodge the bullets next time Allison because it's that easy." Scott replies sarcastically.

"Not running into danger would definitely help prevent you getting shot again." I point out to him with a slight playful smile. Scott rolls his eyes at me, silently telling me that I'm not helping, but I don't care. We both know that Allison is right anyway. The news of the school shooting and realize Scott had gotten hurt scared me half to death. When I was having that panic attack, I honestly thought I was going to die. Not that I want to tell Scott about that, of course. He'll just get even more worried about me, and I don't want that. This isn't about me. This is about Scott and how he really almost did die yesterday.

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