Chapter 42

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Scott POV

Eventually, we make it out onto a road with not as many cars and I can finally go up to the actual speed limit, instead of creeping along the road like a turtle. I glance around the area every few moments, checking for a good spot to pull over. Stiles doesn't seem to notice my looking, as he's too busy jamming out to the song on the radio, moving around and bopping his head to the beat. It's a cute sight to see, but I don't allow myself to look for more than a split second, not wanting to get distracted from driving. Getting into a car crash isn't exactly how I would want to propose to Stiles.

After a few more minutes of searching, I finally pull off the main road and down a small track to a look out point, overlooking the preserve and the town of Beacon Hills. With the moon and stars lighting up the night sky, it is quite a sight, if I'm honest. I park the car, cutting off the engine and turn to face Stiles. He looks very confused.

"Uh, Scotty? This isn't the way home. Why have we stopped?" Stiles asks in confusion, sounding slightly worried as well.

"Uh, well, it's just uh... I wanted to talk to you about something." I manage to say without stuttering too much as I unbuckle my seatbelt, so I can turn to face Stiles better. He unbuckles his seatbelt too.

"Huh, it must be very important then." Stiles chuckles and grins mischievously, still oblivious about where this conversation is heading.

"You could say that, yeah." I respond with a light smile. I then take one of Stiles' hands and look him deeply in the eyes very seriously. I take a deep breath to help try and calm the nerves that have suddenly spiked up inside of me. I hope Stiles can't feel how clammy and sweaty my hand and the rest of my body is becoming.

"We've known each other for a long time, Stiles. I honestly don't know how my life would have turned out if you weren't in it. You've definitely helped shape me into the person that I've become. Even in those years where we had no contact, a part of you was still with me. I never forgot you. I always read your newspaper articles. It was a small way of keeping you with me and having a glimpse at what your life was like. You always had a special place in my heart, as my greatest friend in the world, and I also now am proud to call you my boyfriend." I begin nervously, but the words pouring easily out of my mouth, as I let my heart speak for itself. I see Stiles smile and blush slightly.

"I don't know what I would be if I hadn't of met you either, Scott." Stiles replies honestly.

"And I know we've been through some really shitty times. I know you went through hell while you were with James, and then he decided to keep on tormenting you even after you broke up, which of course infuriated me, especially when he hurt and kidnapped you and Claudia... But, before I go on an angry rant about that guy, I'll just say that I'm glad that he's in prison and that he will never go near you or Claudia ever again, and I'll help make sure of it." I continue, squeezing Stiles' hand comfortably.

"As for me, well, I've been in love a few times before. They've all felt different and have meant something different for me. Each relationship has taught me different things about myself, about people and of course about love. I know I did fool around a little bit in high school after Kira and I broke up, but I thought I was back on track again when I met Vivian." I continue to explain as Stiles gazes at me with curiosity and interest, wondering what my point is. I'm surprised but also kind of glad that Stiles hasn't interrupted my explanation yet. I think it would just throw me off my game.

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