In Case She Sees Herself

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Four a.m. Poem

I hear the cry and wonder

is this a devil-bird calling me?

My mind is blown, my body withered

is this what it means to be free?

I shouldn't be this old at my age

I shouldn't be so terribly alone

I should hold a crown of glory

and a woman I could call my own

if I died tomorrow

would it really mean that much?

Would I leave any with any sorrow

would those I loved forget my touch?

They say what matters is what you will think on your deathbed

they say that is what matters the most

what the fuck do they want me to think of

when I'm seconds from being a ghost?

So many things have left me blindsided

so many losses so many fears

the loss of friends and family

are what now fuels my tears

so perhaps you shouldn't love anyone

if you are to be true to what you shall become

you will leave them anyhow in your last breath

and only the pain will live on


This is the place I've chosen

Chosen to hide and stay away from all of them

One time, many millions of years ago

I would have done anything to be among those people

You know them, you see them every day

When you step out to cross the street they block your way

They are driving their sport/luxury cars and nothing matters

Certainly not your life though they know blood spatters

I was young once, I had their chances

I even once had their women at their dances

Something happened, something magical

Though the only magic really was black

I started to see things different, ideas came to me

That made sense only to me and wouldn't let me free

Somehow it seemed everyone knew what had happened

Somehow they took me to that place

Don't go there I tell you, they won't make you whole

They make you a monster and take away all that you know

It's that place past the freeway that takes you home to your dinner

It's that stone and brick complex that makes you a sinner

But first forget all about that place so cruel and so dark

With all decorations so bland and so stark

Think that if you write down a few words about healing

You can one day be on a pill that will restore all your feeling

And maybe if you can set some money aside

You won't be like me, only wanting to hide

Leif N. Gregersen II

November 5, 2011

Michelle Poem

One time

not very long ago

I worked with a young woman

with the same name as my sister

she was kind


she had red hair

     and was lovely

I thought for a while

     after spending time with her

         I would like to spend more

              time with her

I didn't get the chance really

     stiff competition out there

           for pretty redheads

                  who are friendly

then one day

        I saw her on the bus

only she wasn't there in person

        she was a photograph of herself

              still very pretty

I like to tell people that story

        sometimes I think

              even if I didn't

that I have some claim on other's fame

          maybe one day I will write a poem about her

                   and they will put it on the bus

                          take the poetry route they call it

then she will see my name

          and not know who I ever was

                though she sees herself

                               in the lines

                               of the poem

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