Holiday Happiness

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Thanksgiving and Christmas

A cacophony of scintillating scents

All coming from the kitchen

My mom working so hard

Mom!  Can I help peel potatoes?

Yes, but don’t get underfoot

I wanted to save myself for supper

But I sampled a little of this and that

As I tried to do my best not to

Roasting turkey basted and basted

Crispy tasty brown skin

Carved up, moist and satiating

Let the odor of the gravy fill your senses

Mouth-watering kitchen din

I want to eat so bad eat so much

But I want to wait

Stuff myself silly

Stuffing and mashed potatoes

Both lump-free and calorie filled

Should I use the gravy?

Or save it for the turkey

And drown my spuds in real butter

Such a treat

Only once, twice a year

Oh, the taste of the stuffing

Cooked right inside the bird

Always the same, year after year

Never served nearly enough to be tired of it

Moist and yielding turkey

I love the dark meat

Take one bite of this, one chomp of that

A plethora of taste sensations

So much food

So many happy relatives’ faces

My mom never seemed to enjoy these times

No wonder, she had to cook all day

Face the comments

But after the meal, the next day

My Dad would start to boil down the meat for stock

Months and months of pepper-laced turkey soup

Filled with goodness of so many kinds

Happiness extended

From warm holiday joy

Leif Gregersen

November 12, 2014

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