Midnight Inspirations

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Vacationary Poem

Sometimes into my heart the darkness creeps in

Hate and jealousy, spite and fear

But somehow it all seems to melt apart

When your sweet and loving face is near

I find it hard to simply not give in

To those things that drive me mad

And those emotions drive your soul from me

And leave me bitter, lost and sad

I decided I simply had to take a journey

A journey inside and out

I needed to get back the young man’s heart

That brought your love for me about

I took a plane over the Rockies

Then another across the vast Pacific

I desperately needed back that part of me

That philosophizing poet charming and prolific

I made it to Hawaii

That place so many dream about

The warm and salty ocean renewed me

The beauty made me shout

There is just nothing like a journey

If it gives you the time you need for thought

And to satisfy all your yearnings

And remind you why you scraped and fought

We all must fight to keep on living

Or each day a little bit we shall die

It keeps our hearts loving and forgiving

It answers the most basic question: why

You asked nothing of me Hawaii

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