My Father's Strong Hands
Strong hand that have faced many years
Strong hands wiped away many tears
Until he passed seventy I never knew my dad like I should
I had taken his love for granted, didn't think that we could
Could become friends and share many things
Like the joy that a granddaughter's love often brings
We can share the best coffee, a movie, a book
Pass a well dressed woman and both take a look
It terribly sad my mom's been gone four years already
When it happened I never thought my Dad's hands could be steady
But he held us and spoiled us and somehow we came through
Myself when the loss came I didn't know what to do
Now time has passed and I still think of my mom
Every time I see the photo my dad keeps of her looking young
He got us through that but he has passed many trials
From being our provider to coaching my writing styles
My Dad is a man who was born a world away
In depression then war another time, another day
How he got through so many things
And brought up a family with the troubles that brings
Somewhere deep inside we all have the will
To do what he did and prosper still
But my dad did it not for a reward up above
He did it all simply out of love

Poems From Inside Me
ŞiirThis is a chapbook of poetry that led me to dedicate myself to writing, whether it be for money or simply to express myself. In this book I talk about family, love, loss and all the illusions that life brings us through.