In The Star Light of a Dark Night

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Night Poem

In the star light

Of a dark night

I get stage fright

Knowing that I'm watched

I can't tell you much

About who it is and such

Because you my friend are my crutch

When I sit here and worry

If I told you it was God's eyes

Or the Devil's spies

You would think me unwise

To be your friend

So all that I can say

Is that I wait for the day

When I can run and play

Without that stage fright

There may never be

A time I can't see

Reasons why I'm not free

And stuck on Earth

So many years passed

Since I saw you last

So many times I thought

You were the one to be sought

But really there is no way

I could honestly say

I will have my day

With you by my side

I thought if I loved you enough

It wouldn't be so tough

To have you by my side

I was wrong

Someone told me once

That in this place of abundance

Everyone will find their mate

And one day be happy

I waited for that day

And tried in every way

To find my love and hear her say

'I do' along with me

But I must not be a part of this

This awesome place of opulence

And words I can not mince

In saying I am more than strange

There is just one I loved complete

And I saw no way to compete

With other suitors ahead of me

For the love I knew she had

And so I sit in a darkened room

Until the day of my doom

From hamburgers and dusty room

Wandering in my mind

Why do some say

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