See you again Chapter 4

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The next morning Liam woke up on the floor, by the foot of Louis's bed. Liam stood up yawning, his back hert and he had a bad headache. Probably from sleep deprivation. He glanced at Louis's bed, and just he suspected Louis was gone. "Ugh just perfect..Louis? Where are you?" Liam called frantically. The windows were still shut tight, but the door had been unlocked. Liam wasn't sure how that was possible because he'd locked it himself he made sure he did, three times even. He walked over and herd a crunch, he looked down and saw a bobbypin lying on the floor, so I guess that means Louis picked lock and escaped.."this is just great.." Liam groaned not only did he fail to keep the doctors orders and keep Louis in sight at all times, but now Louis was completely gone. "Louis, mate are you in here?" Liam said raising his voice. No answer, he went out into the kitchen and didn't see Louis. He threw himself on the couch in frustration, just then he the phone rang. He hurried over and snatched it up. "H-hello? This is Liam speaking." "Hey Liam, it's Zayn could you come over and get Louis?" Louis! So that's where he'd run off to. "Yes of course, where are you exactly?" Liam asked shakily. "We're in my flat, he came over at about 5:00am in the morning saying stuff about how you were keeping him prisoner in his own home." Zayn snickered at the last sentce. "I'm not keeping him prisoner I'm taking care of him!" "I'm just kidding man, I know you want to help we all I'll see you in a bit, yeah?" "Yeah, oh and Zayn don't let him pull anything stupid." "Will do I'll keep an eye on him, bye" "bye" Liam grabbed his keys and locked up the flat, then ran down the stairs carefully, trying not trip over his own feet he was in such a hurry. He ran outside and jumped in his car, why did this have to happen? Why? Why was Louis going insane, it was probably the crash or losing his best friend. Even both. Liam drove quickly, but carfully, he pulled up in the parking lot of Zayn's flat. Got out of the car tangling himself in his seat belt while doing so and bolted into the building. He raced upstairs to the second floor then knocked on Zayn's door. There wasn't an answer so Liam let himself in, only to see Zayn standing next to Louis rubbing his back and saying "it's ok it's ok" Louis was sitting on the floor hugging his knees, crying and rocking back and fourth. "L-Louis..come on we're going home." Liam reached out his hand but Louis quickly backed away, "Louis please don't do this." Liam scolded he then grabbed Louis by the wrist and yanked on him "we're leaving NOW" Liam said coldness in his voice. "GET AWAY FROM ME! GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!" Louis shouted through sobs, he made a fist and took a swing aiming for Liam's face. "Ow! Why'd you do that?!" Liam screamed backing up and holding his nose. Louis put his hands over his face and grunted as if saying "I don't care" "Zayn help me get him to my car will you?" Liam asked grabbing Louis by both arms so he could no longer hit him. Zayn nodded and slipped on his shoes, he then took Louis's other arm and he and Liam had to practically drag Louis from the flat. By the time they had made it half way down the stairs Louis broke from their grip, for the fith time and dashed off up the stairs. "This is getting ridiculous!" Liam shouted angrily while making his way back up the stairs, with Zayn following close behind. Liam was so annoyed with Louis but at the same time time took pitty on him, it wasn't his fault he wasn't mentally stable..ok maybe is was but you get the picture. "Louis come with me this instant" "I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!" Liam ignored Louis and scooped him up in his arms and carried down the stairs, Louis punched, and kicked and screamed. This must have looked obnoxious to the people passing by, a woman offered to help but Zayn reassured her they were fine. Once they exited the building and entered the parking lot. Zayn opened the car door and Liam stuffed Louis in, slamming the door. "Bro I think you should take him back to the hospital" "I know I know..I just want to give him a chance you know?" "I want the old Louis back.." Zayn whispered "I know we all do...but things can't stay the same forever this IS Louis now we have to accept that." Zayn was tearing up and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. "I miss Harry.." Zayn said his voice cracking. Liam put his arm around him. "Hey we'll make it mate...somehow" Liam said wrapping his arms around Zayn in hug. The two of them turned around now facing the car, just in time to see Louis smash window of the car with a rock (who knows where he got it) "Louis!" Liam shrieked "I HATE YOU! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?!" " you did it to yourself" Liam snapped coldly while opening the door to the drivers seat and starting the car. Wow..had Louis just said what he thought he did? Does he really hate him? That couldn't be true..could it? As Liam drove back to Louis's flat he vowed to never let anything happen to Louis, he wouldn't give up on him..even if everyone did. He wanted his friend back so badly it hurt too much to even think about it. Was this really his life now? He wished things were back to normal but sadly..they couldn't be. Ever..

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