Chapter 9

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It was about 11:30am and Liam still hadn't taken Louis to the doctor. He had gone in and woken him up,expecting the worst of things,screaming fighting hitting the usual but today was different. Louis acted as though he cared very much about being woken up but did nothing about it. He simply got out of bed and followed Liam into the living room, where he sat for over an hour saying nothing he wouldn't speak and had a dead look in his eyes, no he didn't cry or get angry. It seemed as though he had no emotions he just sat there, staring out the window for hours on end. Liam was taken by surprise when he placed his hand on Louis's shoulder he didn't flinch at all, he had been expecting his hand to pushed away but Louis did nothing. Just kept staring off into space.

** An Hour Later*

It was now exactly 1:00pm Louis hadn't moved from the same exact spot sense he'd woken up that day. Because he seemed calmer,( maybe just out of it Liam wasn't sure) he had decided to take him to the doctor and hope for the best. " want to go for a ride in the car?" Liam asked gently, not mentioning the doctor in fear of Louis freaking out and becoming frightened. Louis didn't answer, "Lou?" **silence** "come on Louis" Liam sighed taking him by the arm carful not to be too sudden and startle him. He led Louis into bedroom, he then opened the closet door and chose an outfit for Louis to wear, then handed it to him. Louis looked at the clothes he'd been given and made a face, "what, don't you want to wear that?" Lou shrugged and pulled off his shirt and changed into a clean one, then put on his jeans and shoes as well. Finally Liam had gotten him to change out of that dreadful T-shirt he'd been wearing for days, not that there was anything wrong with the shirt per say accept that he'd been wearing for 4 days strait. He'd sleep in it and wake up the next morning and still have on. Liam nodded saying "thank you Louis" he took Louis's hand in his own and the two of them went strait out the door, not bothering to lock the flat this time, Liam wanted to get Louis to the doctor ASAP. When they reached the car there was a group of teenage girls all waiting with huge smiles on their faces. "Just great.." Liam thought how was he supposed to get Louis to the doctor if all these girls were expecting to talk to them, the fans weren't the problem though, it was Louis he was worried about, what if they said something that set him off? That wouldn't be pleasant at had tried to keep things quiet, the whole Louis going to the mental institution thing but the fans have a way of finding this kind of stuff out very easily, how? Liam would never know. "Omg hi Liam!" "Liam heeeey!!!" " Omg omg omg I can't believe I'm talking to you!" The girls squealed one by one, "heh heh hi girls, could you let us through please?" There wasn't need of a bodyguard at the moment there were only a few girls about 5or 6 so he and Louis could make it to the car. "Hey how's Louis?!" "Yeah omg is he ok? I heard what happened" "Louis!! How are you?!" The oldest of the girls screamed, Louis stopped in his tracks, looked her up and down then ran and hid behind Liam, closing his eyes tight as he did. "Aw what's wrong?" "Louis are you ok?" A girl tried to give Louis a hug but he took off running for the car and locked himself inside. "That's a way to get him in there" Liam smirked to himself, "Liam why won't he talk to us?" A pretty blonde girl asked, tears forming in her eyes as she nervously twirled her hair around her finger. " doesn't he like us?" Another questioned sadly. Liam assured the girls Louis still loved them and would have liked to talk to all of them but he wasn't doing very well, "he's just having a bad week" Liam lied feeling guilty after saying so. "No he's not, he's suffering from a mental break down and can't cope with life anymore" a little girl said sassily crossing her arms, "and how can be sure of that?" Liam said looking at the 8 year old strangely "the Internet" she replied sticking out her tongue. "Ellie don't be rude!" An older girl who appeared to be her sister said, smacking her arm. "It's true!" Ellie screeched, Liam smiled at least the fans still loved Louis and hadn't given up on him like some did, a One Direction fan page on twitter (that he used to think was very sweet) had removed their account saying 1D wasn't the same because Harry was gone and Louis is just a crazy person now and the band should just slit up. But no that wasn't going to happen, Liam would do everything in his power to keep the band together, even it meant not performing/writing music e.c.t for at least year he didn't care, as long as he could help Louis get better he just didn't care anymore. " we'll I'm sorry ladies but I've got to get going, me and Lou have some place to go" Liam said heading off down the parking lot with a wave. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" Ellie shouted as if demanding an answer, Liam chuckled and shook his head waving one last time as he got into his car. "Cute girls" he thought smiling as he drove off down the street.

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