See you again. Chapters 1 and 2

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Louis is let out of the mental hospital and claims to be seeing Harry again, only there's one minor detail...Harry is dead.

It was only two months after the tragic incident, and Louis Tomlinson was being realesed from the mental institution. He was escorted out doors and given his luggage. He grabbed his red suitcase and walked carelessly down the parking lot, trying to find Liam who was waiting in his car to pick him up. When Louis had found his friend and was greeted with a kind wave, he took a deep breath and cautiously opened the car door. "Hey, how have you been?" Liam asked gloomily while turning the key in the ignition and started the car up. Louis hesitated " I-I'm doing....well I think" he answered while fastening his seat belt and rubbing his eyes from tiredness. " that's good mate" Liam said backing out of the parking lot and driving out onto the highway. Neither of them spoke a word, it seemed as though it was the longest car ride ever, although that couldn't possibly be true, they'd had longer car rides while on tour. The two of them finally arrived at Louis's flat, Liam parked the car and helped Louis with his things then both of them entered the building. They walked up the stair case and into Louis's flat. As he entered he was greeted by Niall who was crying non stop and had wiped his nose on Louis's shirt, while wrapping him in a tight hug. And then by Zayn who simply nodded as if saying "what's up?" Louis freed himself from Niall's embrace and quickly sat down on the couch and covered his face with his hands. Niall raced over, sitting himself next to Louis. " wasn't your fault..please don't keep blaming yourself." "Yeah bro" Zayn started "it's ok" "NO ITS BLOODY NOT "OK" AND YOU SURE AS HELL KNOW IT!" Louis screamed then burst out crying. "I think he needs some rest lads, come back in the morning." Liam said standing up and opening the door. Niall and Zayn nodded, said their goodbyes and left. Liam glanced over at Louis who was sobbing uncontrollably and looked absolutely devastated. "Hey you all right?" Louis shook his had as if saying yes and stood up. "Um I'll go unpack my things.." He sniffed not wanting Liam to see cry. "Alright..I'll be in the living room if you need anything." Liam replied while flopping on the couch and turing on the TV. Louis snatched up his suit case and started off down the hall, he entered his bedroom and threw his suit case on the bed. His thoughts kept tormenting him, he begged them to stop but they showed no mercy. "Uhhhhh!!" He whined in frustration, he sat in a chair and looked out the window "it's all your fault it's all your fault" he kept thinking over and over again. Louis curled up on the chair bringing his knees to his chest and cried bitterly. "Hey Lou, what's wrong?" Louis quickly looked up to see Harry standing the doorway, leaning against the frame crossing his arms. He was wearing his favorite sweater and had on his black skinny jeans. "Boo bear? Are ok?" Harry said wandering over and sitting next to Louis. Louis was overjoyed to see Harry again, but there was just one minor detail..Harry is dead.


"H-Harry is that really you?" "Course it's me silly" Harry chuckled. Louis threw himself into Harry's arms repeatedly saying "I'm sorry I'm sorry" "it's fine Lou I'm here now " "I know, b-but-" Louis began crying, Harry handed him a tissue. "You sure you're alright?" Harry asked looking concerned, Louis nodded. They sat together quietly until Harry said "wanna hear a joke?" Louis brightened up a bit. Now Liam had been sitting in the living room for quite sometime now, when he heard sounds of laughter coming from Louis's room, he thought he should go check on him..he's not mentally stable at the moment. Liam walked down the hall and entered Louis's bedroom only to find him laughing uncontrollably. "Louis what's going on?" Louis turned his head toward Liam a huge smile on his face "not much Harry was just telling me this really funny joke and-" Louis was cut off by Liam "Harry? Um Louis I hate to break it to you but..Harry died remember? In the car crash.." The room grew silent at the mentioning of the car crash. Yes Louis remembered quite well, and didn't need Liam to remind him. It was a cold rainy night about 12:45am he and Harry had been drinking and Louis insisted on driving back home from the bar just to prove he could. Harry on the other hand was a bit more sober than Louis and didn't agree on it, he had said they should take a taxi home, but Louis wouldn't hear of it. He convinced Harry to let him drive, even though he was in no state what so ever to be driving. He couldn't even stand without stumbling, let alone drive. They had gotten into the car and Louis sped down the road, rambling on about nothing, when suddenly a truck came out of no where. Every thing went black. Louis had woken up in a bed not his he was sure of it. He was hooked up to a machine and was having trouble seeing straight, he felt as though he would trow up and had a massive headache. A nurse walked over carrying a clip bored, she didn't look as friendly as most of them. "Mr Tomlinson do you know what happened?" Louis's eyes darted around the room, "N-no I d-don't remember a thing" "you were in a car crash, didn't anyone tell you drunk driving is completely unsafe and against the law?" She said scoffing while rolling her eyes. Louis stared at his hands, refusing to talk. Just then another nurse came rushing in, "excuse me, it's an emergency we need the doctor a patient is dying!" "I'll be right back" the nurse (who had been speaking with Louis ) said coldly, she set her clip bored down and ran off. Louis layed his head down on his pillow, hoping it would ease his headache some. He began to fall asleep and was awakened within a few minutes. "Mr Tomlinson..we uh have some bad news, you're friend Harry, is dead." Louis shot up shaking his head in disbelief no no no..had heard her correctly? "W-what d-did you say?!" "Harry styles has died, due to brain trauma..we're so sorry we did all we could..his heart stopped just a few minutes ago." With in a matter of seconds every thing was coming back, Louis remembered...everything forcing Harry to ride in the car with him, staying at the bar to late, the car crash..this couldn't be happening, not to him things like weren't suppose to happen at least not to him, not to Harry. Harry! He's gone... "It's your fault I warned you about drunk driving" the nurse said rudely. Louis couldn't deal with losing his friend it was so quick one minute Harry's here the next he's gone..he couldn't take it, and began crying, pulling at his hair and cursing. "Mr Tomlinson please calm down" a doctor commanded. But he couldn't how could he?! Harry is gone forever, dead. "IT'S MY FAULT!" Louis shouted over and over again, the doctors gave him an injection which was suppose to calm him down, it helped some, he still mumbled nonsense and cried quite often,they couldn't seem to control him.Someone was sent to keep an eye on him, after he had gotten up out of bed without permission, and tried hanging himself, and swallowing pills multiple times. A doctor was sent in to strap him down at one point. After weeks of being in the hospital and showing no signs of recovery what so ever, he was sent to a mental institution. So that's how it all happened. Louis shook himself out his thoughts and back to the present. "Louis you remember right? Harry is gone..I'm sorry but you can't change the past..we all miss him" Liam choked holding back tears. "What are you saying? He's right here" Louis insisted pointing at the spot where he claimed Harry was sitting. Liam of course saw nothing, the doctor had told him this might happen, that he could imagine things to be real, even though they clearly weren't. Liam who was put in charge of seeing to it that Louis got better, was suppose to notify the hospital if this sort of thing went on, he was told to stick with reality and not pretend he could see anyone or thing to please Louis. Who was suffering from a mental break down and needed all the help he could get, although he knew he was perfectly fine..or so he thought. "Louis..Harry isn't here he is dead.."Liam's voice shook as said those words, Harry and dead. He just couldn't believe it his best friend, his brother was gone..and it was because Louis had chosen to do something careless and idiotic. Louis narrowed his eye brows and frowned saying, "fine pretend he's not here, see I'd care c'mon Harry let's go Liam's in a bad mood. Liam watched as Louis appeared to be waiting for "Harry" and then held the door open for him as well, before giving Liam a shake of the head and a disapproving look. He slammed the door behind him and walked off. Liam turned and swung the door open and raced down the hall, "why the heck are you following us?!" Louis groaned, Liam was told not to let Louis out his sight for at least a month, or until the doctor said he was well enough to be on his own. "Louis it's the doctors orders, do want to be put in the hospital again? No I don't think you would, so please be reasonable don't do anything stupid." Louis glared at him and ran out the front door, with Liam following close behind, without Louis knowing if course. He watched as Louis ran across the street almost got hit by a speeding car, then mindlessly sat down in the curb of the street and looked as though he was speaking to someone probably Harry again. Liam who was in his right mind waited for the traffic to pass before crossing the busy street, then walked up behind Louis and grabbed him by the arm, tightening his grip as Louis struggled. "LET ME GO! GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!" Louis screeched waving his arms around strangely. "No Louis you're coming home and going strait to bed" "No I'm bloody not, who do you think you are my mum?" Louis growled trying to loosen Liam's hold on him. Liam picked up the smaller boy and draped him over his back, then carried him all the way back to flat, up the stairs and into to the bed room. Ignoring all the hatful things louis shouted when being thrown into bed. "WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM, LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!" Louis continued trying to get up and make a run for it, Liam shook his head in distress. He wished things could go back to normal, like used to be. He wished Harry had never allowed Louis to drive, he wished Harry was still here laughing happily and telling his awkward jokes, he missed how Louis was once so calm, mischievous at times but at least in his right mind, most of all he just missed Harry.

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