Chapter 17

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I woke up the next morning with Louis by my side, he was curled up hugging the blankets close to his chest and sleeping with his mouth open like he often does. "Aww.." I snickered while tapping on his shoulder "Louis are you awake?" I asked, he groaned and rolled over, taking all of the covers with him. I laughed and got out of bed.

**A few hours later**

Louis seemed "ok" today so I decided to take him to see his mum. She hasn't seen him sense he's been out of the hospital, and I'm sure she was worried sick.

I pulled up in the drive way, got out of the car and rang the doorbell, Louis was sitting in the car he was acting like he didn't recognize his own home, he wouldn't come out,so I left him in the car and went to talk to his mum. "So how is he?" She asked frantically, "I couldn't stop worrying about him, thank you so much Liam you have no idea how much this means to me,that you would take care of him until he's better" Louis's mum went on and on saying how thankful she was and how she missed Louis,"you're very welcome,um would you mind if I left him here with you for a bit?" I asked,I was hoping she'd agree I was planning on having lunch with Zayn and Niall. But, if she wasn't up for it I'd just skip chatting with the boys today, there's no way on earth I'd take Louis along with me who knows what would go on. I turned my attention back to Louis's mum,who was staring longingly at the car where Lou was. She nodded her head before saying "yes,yes of course I would love to see him" "great, come on then I'll get him out,or at least try anyways..." I said,mumbling the last part of my sentence. His mum followed me to the car,I swung the door open and tapped on Louis's shoulder. "Louis,you're mum wants you to stay here with her,would you like that?" He stared at me blinking then nodded his head. "Alright then c'mon" I sighed he waited a moment or two before taking my hand then I took him to his mum,who had tears in her eyes. "Aw Lou c'mere give your mum a hug" she said reaching out, he hid behind me and closed his eyes,burying his face in my shirt. "Louis, go on give your mum a hug" I groaned, taking his arm and pulling him out from behind me. Louis stood there looking at his feet and wouldn't speak, dang I hate when he does's so childish I felt like smacking him across the face,his poor mum hasn't seem him in months,she's extremely worried about him and he won't even give her a hug,let alone even look her in the eye. She looked at me in confusion "what's wrong? Is he afraid of me?" She asked her voice cracking and tears welling up in her eyes. "No,well I d-don't think so...he doesn't like people touching him anymore I guess.." "Oh.." Was all she managed. Louis stared at his mum gave an "I don't care" look and turned to open the car door,I grabbed him by the arm. "stop it Louis,you've made your mum cry" I snapped, while dragging him on the porch. I guess he didn't like the idea of being left here alone, I think he knew I was going to leave and it terrified him. I pulled him through the front door and after his mum came inside, locked it tight. I tried to get him to sit on the couch but he wouldn't listen (of course) I sat down and wrapped my arms around his waist,then pulled him into my lap. He squirmed around and screamed. He could scream all he wanted I wasn't going to let go of him. I began talking with his mum,while holding a screaming Louis who ended up pinching me so hard tears gathered in my eyes, I loosened my grip on him and rubbed my arm where he pinched me, I grabbed him by the hand, pulling him next to me, he bit me and ran into kitchen to hide. "Louis William Tomlinson! How dare you!" his mum yelled "I'm sorry Liam,was he just joking around? Or was that done on purpose?" "On purpose I'm afraid" I said biting my lip and glaring at Louis,who had poked his head around the corner."it's alright Liam,I'll talk to him"his mum sighed "I suggest you leave him alone for a while..if he gets angry don't go near him,and if he cries just hold him..but I don't think he's going to speak to you" I groaned,folding my arms and shaking my head. "What ever do you mean? Of course he would talk to me I'm his mum, we talked all the time" "well..I hate to say it but those past times are just memories I'm afraid.. he won't really talk anymore..he won't communicate with words, he'll cry or scream, make noises sometimes..he's a mess, I took him to the doctor and got him some medication, it helped some I think.." "My poor baby" Jay said sobbing into hands, "it's ok, I'll take care of him don't worry" I said quietly, while rubbing her back. "Oh thank you Liam" she smiled though sobs, " I really should get going the lads are waiting for me or would prefer if I stayed?" "No,no you kids have fun, I'll watch Louis until you return" "thank you, and don't take your eyes off of him for a minute, he might run away again..he has before nothing is stopping him from doing it again" "of course, now you'd better go,I don't want you to keep the boys waiting" "alright goodbye" "bye"

I waved goodbye to Jay then went out the front door and got into my car, I sure hope Louis behaves himself..if he does anything to hurt his mum I'm going to kill him, not really but you understand. I glanced at my watch before backing out of the driveway, I knew I was extremely late so I called Niall to make sure they were still waiting for me and hadn't gone home. "Hey Niall it's Liam, are you guys still there?" I asked after he picked up the phone, but instead of answering my question he thought it his place to inform me I was late. "Do you know how late you are man? We've been waiting for like, hours"Niall whined, "no we haven't Niall it's only been 10 minutes" Zayn corrected "I know and I'm sorry but I was..taking care of a few things first" "was that "thing" Louis?" Niall laughed, I could just imagine the smirk he had on his face, he's being a bit of an idiot about the whole thing to be honest, he said I just "like" Louis and taking care of him my excuse to see him, and it's not! I want to help my friend recover is that a crime? "Well hurry up mate or I'm going to eat your food" Niall giggled, "wait you guys already ordered?" I asked "nooo we did not! He's lying! Hurry up I've been stuck with him for 12 whole minutes now!" Zayn screamed in the back ground, "alright, I'm hurrying" I chuckled " I'll see you soon, bye" "bye mate and please hurry Niall is so embarrassing" Zayn sighed (I'm assuming he had somehow pried the phone from Niall's hands) "ok bye" I laughed

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