See you again Chapter 5

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Liam had finally gotten Louis home, and was exhausted, he couldn't believe the way Louis had been acting, screaming and yelling, physically hurting himself, crying long into the night at ungodly hours. Liam wasn't sure if he take it much longer, he wasn't sure if he could continue to be strong, but he had to for Louis's sake. One of his best friends was slowly losing himself, he was a wreck. Liam had pried Louis from the car, and pulled him inside. Louis was screaming at him and whining.The screaming only made Liam's headache grow worse, he yanked Louis by the arm as they entered the flat. Liam slammed the door behind him locking it as well, so Louis wasn't able to break out again. The moment they had arrived and safely inside, Louis just sat there with his head down and kept saying "it's my's my fault" as though suffering wasn't enough already Louis seemed as though he could only torture himself even more by reminding himself that it was his fault Harry was gone and never coming back. Liam sighed at the sorry state Louis was in before wandering into the kitchen tossing his keys on the counter. He decided to fix dinner for both of them, he hadn't seen Louis eat anything sense he'd been home. "Louis, would you like something to eat?" Liam asked while poking his head into the living room where Louis should've been. "C'mon, where are you man?" Liam walked into the bedroom "L-Louis? Are you in here?" It was getting dark outside and Liam began to worry, where had Louis gone now? What if he had run away again? Then what would he do? What would happen to Louis? Would he be ok? It began storming outside, the rain was pouring down splashing the building hard as it hit the roof. Where is Louis? He wasn't sure, but he had to find him, Liam didn't want to have the police involved to track him down, then they'ed just send him back to the mental home. No. They wouldn't have to, Liam was going to find him. He pulled on a jacket and went outside, getting soaked by the rain. "LOUIS!? ARE YOU OUT HERE!?" Liam yelled, but how on earth could Louis hear him over the howling wind? Liam walked about a block away from the flat he trudged trough mud, and water that was about ankle deep, he continued calling out, trying desperately to find his friend. He finally gave up and stomped back to the building and walked up the stairs his head heavy, with every step he took he regretted not staying outside in search of Louis. Liam entered the flat and sighed aloud. He decided now, because he couldn't find Louis himself, he'd have to call the police and report Louis had gone missing. Liam hesitated a minute or two before placing his wet hand on the phone. He was a bit worried, no he wasn't worried....he was scared. Yes Liam was scared for once..He swallowed hard and began dialing the number. As he opened his mouth to speak, someone grabbed him from behind. "Just what do you think you're doing?" A very familiar voice whispered. Liam spun around, it was Louis! "Thank God you're ok!" Liam shouted, he reached his arms out in a hug but Louis put his hand up to stop him. "L-Louis where've you been?! I was going to call the police but-" Louis glared at him, "Don't " "Don't what?" "Why you would call the police on me?! I haven't killed anyone!" "It's not like that Louis, I couldn't find you and...I-I thought something terrible had happened.." As Liam said that he noticed Louis had his right arm behind his back, "what are you hiding?" Louis slowly pulled his arm from behind. "Louis...put that down..where did you find that?" Liam whispered shakily "I stole it from a pawn shop, where else would I have gotten it?" Louis held a pistole in his hand carelessly swinging it around. "T-that better not be loadedm..tell me it's not loaded" "Ok fine, it's not loaded" Louis laughed sarcastically. "Don't do anything stupid" Louis demanded pointing the gun to Liam, who was absolutely shocked, how could Louis do this? He wanted to slap him across the face for being such and idiot..but for the like the tenth time that day he had to remind himself that this wasn't really Louis, well it was but wasn't at the same time...

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