Chapter 12

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**the next day**

So the trip to the doctors office didn't go as planned but at least it was over with now. Before bed last night, Liam had managed to get Louis to take his medicine, Louis obeyed without a fight he was so exhausted he couldn't keep his eyes open for more than a minute or two before he'd start to doze off. That morning Liam got up early and made breakfast for Louis, who hadn't eaten in days how was that possible? He didn't know for sure. He quietly dug around in a cabinet getting out pots and pans but being carful not to wake Louis, he was hoping things would go well like yesterday, minus the getting lost and a few small fights every now and again. Liam took a medium sized pot out and then went to the pantry, he grabbed a box of oatmeal and dumped it into the pot which was filled with water. He sat down at the kitchen table waiting for the oatmeal to cook.when it was done he put it into two bowls and set them on the table, one for him and one for Louis. He picked up a spoon and tossed it by Louis's bowl, he got out a fork to eat his oatmeal, yes that's weird but having fear of spoons he'd rather just use the fork. "Louis are you up yet?" He yelled from the kitchen. He heard Louis groan but he didn't come out of his bedroom. "Louis come on out, your breakfast is getting cold" still no Louis. Liam sighed and got up taking Louis's food with him, "are you awake?" He asked after entering Louis's room and setting the oatmeal on the nightstand beside the bed. "Louis get up"Liam whined giving his arm a smack. Well that woke him up right away, " what's your problem?!" He snapped "I'm tired leave me alone" "Louis you haven't eaten in need to eat something" "no I do not! I'm not hungry" "Louis you have to listen to me..we've been over this I don't know how many times, I'm in charge right now" "well you shouldn't be I'm older than you anyways" Louis mumbled. Liam couldn't help but chuckle at Louis's childish remark "I'm older" yeah right that's just his excuse for "I don't care what you say I don't want to listen to you" " yep, you're older than me Lou, but I'm suppose to take care of you until..." Liam stopped "until what?! Until you and those and freaks decide I can be left alone? Who the hell put you in charge thats so idiotic its laughable" Louis smirked pulling the covers over his face and snickering at his comment. Well this day was off to a rotten start, Liam shouldn't have gotten his hopes up, Louis's mood changes far to often and is so unpredictable it's down right annoying and in some cases scary even. "Louis..just please eat something will you?" "No" "fine..then you're not leaving this room until you've eaten your oatmeal, I'm going to stand here until you do" "I guess you'll be here a loooong time then" Louis spat hiding under the blanket again as Liam tried to rip it off of him. Liam poked Louis from under the blanket and laughed when he said "don't poke me" and did it again. "Come on Lou,if you get out of bed I'll leave you alone" Louis glared at Liam and drug himself out of bed taking the comforter and a pillow with him, "come on Louis just eat something then I'll leave you alone" Liam smiled, Louis groaned and followed him into the living room and threw himself on the couch sighing and his eyes suddenly filled with tears, "What's wrong?" "Nothing..except...I-I want Harry" Liam's heart sank and here he thought Louis was doing better but I guess you can't just get over something like this so easily..."I'm sorry Lou..I know you want him-"Liam's sentence was cut off by Louis's quiet sobs, not seemed as though Louis couldn't go a day without crying as heartbreaking as it was Liam had kind of gotten used to it,"I'm sorry"Liam whispered into Louis's ear while taking him in a hug, they sat on the couch for a while Liam held Louis in his arms and rocked him "I'm going to go take a that alright with you? I'll be back soon" Louis nodded wiping the tears from his eyes Liam got up and went into the bathroom, Louis waited a minute until he heard the water running then jumped up from the couch, put on his shoes, and raced out the front door.

Sorry I haven't written much I've been kind of sick again :( but I'll keep writing :)

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