Chapter 11

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"Louis the doctor will be in to see us soon, listen I will do the talking you just sit here and behave do hear me?" Louis sighed and did as he was told for once, even before he never liked Liam or anyone for that matter telling him what to do, he sat on the floor cross legged and waited patently. "Thank you" Liam said with a nod. The doctor arrived in a short amount of time she chatted with Liam and tried to make some sort of connection with Louis but he wouldn't open up, he became shy and refused to say a word, it was better for him to be shy than rude was Liam thought. "So how is he dealing with losing Harr-" "Shhhhh! I'm sorry if I come out sounding rude but DO NOT mention Harry AT ALL...he'll have a break down right on the spot if you even mention him" Liam whispered as quiet as possible. "I understand, what do mean he'll have a break down? Do explain" " well..he'll cry for hours, he's hurt himself on purpose a few times..he goes crazy you can't control him, can't predict what he'll do next. Oh and at times he claims Harry is talking to's quite disturbing actually, the other night he sat and apologized to Harry for killing him, for an hour strait. crying until about 2:00 in the morning, he can't sleep he won't eat, he doesn't listen to me half the time" " I see..has he ever done anything to hurt other people? You must let is know if something like that ever happens, we can't put the lives of other human beings at risk" Liam hesitated of course he wasn't going to flat out lie..but didn't want to tell her what had happened the other night with the gun. "You seem hesitant, did something go on you're not mentioning?" Liam bit his lip nervously, "w-well...promise me you won't take him away from me..then I'll tell you" "I can't promise anything. If he's caused someone harm you have to tell me." "Um well nothing extremely bad..." Liam said trying to sound cheerful, "spit it out I haven't got all day" " well at one point he had a gun out, and threatened to shoot it..I knew he wasn't I could have stopped it and I did!" "Mr Payne, how can you lie to yourself saying it wasn't that bad? He could've killed you" "but he didn't!" "You're just lucky..." "No, I knew he wouldn't do it..he's still best friend would never kill me" "that's what you think, he's not himself right now, he could do anything that comes to mind and think nothing of it, if he does a thing like that again call the police, and then bring him back to the hospital do you understand me?" "Yes...I do" " did you stop him? From shooting?" "I just asked him if Harry would want him to do that and broke down crying, that ended it pretty much.." "He was very attached to Harry, correct?" " oh yeah, they did everything together, you'd never see one or the other alone they were always with each other. He was basically Harry's big brother, Harry was the youngest and Lou protected him" Liam said aloud, able to speak freely now that Louis had fallen asleep. "I'm very sorry for your loss, when did he pass away again?" "A few months ago..Louis blames himself. The second day he was home I got a call from Zayn, he's our band mate, saying Louis had come over to his flat, when I got there Louis was bawling on the floor saying "its my fault..he knows it's his fault although I hate to say it..and he can't cope with it" "oh look at the time! I've really got to get going, I'm going to write you a prescription I want you to have Louis take these pills every day for two weeks and see if his mood improves, and also I'd like you to get him some medication for anxiety as well, he seemed to be worrying quite alot this should help some. If it doesn't, give me a call my numbers on the back of the note." Dr James said giving Liam's hand a shake before leaving the room. Liam read the prescription once more before shoving it in his pocket, how on earth was he going to be able to force Louis to take medicine every day, when he doesn't even obey in the first place. Liam sighed and woke up Louis who sat there blinking and rubbing his eyes. "Louis, come on we can go home now" Louis nodded but didn't get up, "what's wrong?" Louis stretched out his arms and put a pouty look on his face, "no no no I'm not carrying you if that's what your hinting" Louis looked as if he would cry, he stared into his eyes, which made Liam feel worse, he looked tired and sick, Louis would have stayed there all day if Liam hadn't given in, only because he wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible. "I'll carry you to the car and that's it.." Liam groaned taking Louis by hand. The older boy seemed some what pleased with himself that he'd gotten his way. There was a small pharmacy in the corner of the building, Liam told Louis to wait by the receptionist's deck while he payed for the medicine. Louis stood there frowning but did as he was told. Liam took off down the hall, he showed the pharmacist the prescription and then waited patently as the man got the medication.The man handed him the bag and after receiving the receipt Liam payed him and then ran as fast as he could down the hall, relived Louis was still there. "Let's go mate" Liam said heading for the door, Louis didn't move he looked at him and pouted again. "Really Louis? I hoped you had been kidding" Liam groaned, some what annoyed. He looked around to make sure no one was watching, he then picked Louis up and ran towards the car, it was in fact pretty easy Louis's not that heavy anyways, Liam just praying no one had seen him carrying Louis down the parking lot like he was a three old that needed to be held. Liam glared at Louis and set him down gently, Louis got in the back seat and shut his door, then Liam got into the drivers seat, shut his door and started the car. "I'm tired what about you?" Liam asked after they'd been driving for a few minutes or so but Louis didn't respond, he was snoring and sound asleep. Liam glanced at him and smile spread across his face.

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