Chapter 19

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Niall and I arrived at Louis's mum's house at about 5:15pm after parking the car, I walked up to the door step with Niall close behind, and pressed the door bell. We waited a minute or so then the door was opened, "hello boys" his mum looked so tired, I just wanted to hug her. "Come on in" she sighed, stepping aside so we could enter. "How was he?" I whispered, looking around nervously. "oh Liam..." She sobbed taking me in a hug and crying on my shoulder. Was he really that terrible? He better not have done anything to her or he'd never hear the end of it. "What happened?" I asked, walking her to the couch and then sitting next to her. I motioned for Niall to come over, he was standing by the door fiddling with the light switch. He nodded and sat by me. "so...what'd he do? If he hurt you, I swear I'll-" she cut me off "no no it's not what you think..he wasn't mean or abusive at all. A while after you left he came out from under the kitchen table where he'd been sitting for hours. He got up and looked around as if trying to find you, I tried to hug him again and stared at me in fear..he ran away from baby ran away from me.." She cried, choking back sobs, "it's fine take your time" I said rubbing her back gently. "Thank you, so then he went and hid in the closet in my bedroom and wouldn't dare come out, he was in there about 25 minutes when I heard him sobbing bitterly. I went in the room and knocked on the closet door and asked if he was ok, he opened the door and was sitting there tears streaming down his face and reached out for a hug. I took him in my arms and held him quietly while he cried. He kept saying "it's my fault" over and over I was a bit confused and then remembered what he meant....I then told him I'd be right back, I was going to get him a cup of tea. So I left the room and when I came back he was seated on the floor with a small knife in his hands and he had cut his arm I took the knife from him and he continued bawling and wouldn't speak to that's about it" his mum sighed wiping the tears from her cheeks. Niall, for once in that day realized how serious this was and wasn't cracking jokes or being obnoxious. "That's..not good" he said blankly and rubbed his eyes " give me a minute.." He got to his feet and went into the bathroom, you could hear him crying quietly. I put my hands over my face and sighed, how could I have let this happen? Not just leaving Louis here, no not that..letting him go to the bar so late...I could've been there..I should have..if I was there just that one night it could've changed everything. I'm so stupid I should've gone with them, we all know how Louis gets when he's drunk, he thinks he can do anything and acts as if he hasn't got a brain, he's a complete idiot. No, this isn't his fault at all..Harry's death, it-it's mine.."I looked up at his mum who again, had tears in her eyes "I-I didn't know he was this bad, I mean I knew he wouldn't be the same sense Harry was gone...but I didn't know he was like you know how hard it is not being able to tell someone so dear to you that you love them?" She sniffed wiping her eyes. "Yes..yes I do" I replied glumly while looking at my feet. Niall had come out if the bathroom and wouldn't even glance at us, I think he was trying to convince us he hadn't been crying. "Where is Louis anyway?" I asked sighing and standing up looking around the living room. "He's in my room, it's the door to the left at the beginning of the hallway" "ok, thanks" I turned and started down the hallway, I cautiously opened the door praying Louis wouldn't freak out and do anything crazy. He was sitting curled up in a ball in the corner by the window. When he saw me his eyes widened and he practically knocked me over when he jumped up to hug me. He sobbed onto my shirt and put his head on my chest. "hey, it's alright. Let's go home ok?" I said, making my voice soft as possible. He nodded, his face pressed against my shoulder and held my hand as we walked out into the hallway. I squeezed his hand tightly and glanced at his arm, he had made a row of about twelve or thirteen cuts along his arm. That made me tear up..poor Louis..I want to help him now more that ever..he needs me and maybe, I need him too. He's showed me how to be strong without even noticing it, he's just..amazing.

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