Chapter 10

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As Liam drove he at least made an effort to talk to Louis, but Lou wouldn't say a word. He sat quietly looking out the window every so often, and fiddled with the button on the door, Liam broke the silence saying " are you feeling today Lou?" He didn't expect an answer but thought he'd try to make small talk. Louis completely ignored Liam's question and looked down and at his hands. Liam continued talking, hoping Louis would say something back or at least smile, he just wanted to know he was listening. "Did you sleep well?it was a little bit cold in your room did it bother you? I know how you dislike the cold..." Louis wouldn't answer it was fine with Liam he just thought he'd give it a try, Louis used to be great company and was always cracking jokes, he kept a conversation going and always knew the right things to say.But now he either talked very little or not at all. It wasn't the same but Liam was learning to deal with the changes. They drove in silence until they reached the doctor's office, Louis must have realized where he was and began panicking, his breathing became heavy and he was shaking all over. "Hey, hey it's ok" Liam said in a soothing voice stepping out of the car. He then opened Louis's door and motioned for him to get out, but Louis wouldn't budge he curled up in the back seat and moved as far away from Liam as possible. "Louis it's ok it's just the doctors office, please come out" Louis shook his head while closing his eyes tightly. "If you don't tell me what's wrong I won't know how to help you" Liam sighed crossing his arms and checking his watch, "we're going to be late, we need to get inside" Louis finally spoke for the first time that day "n-no t-they'll take me away again I'm s-scared." Liam had over looked that detail, that Louis might be frightened about visiting the doctor, he had been locked up for a while and it was probably a living hell trapped in that place. "No they won't I won't let them take you Louis" Louis wiped the tears from his eyes "p-promise?" "I promise" Liam said in a strict tone, hopefully Louis knew he was being serious he'd do anything, anything to keep Louis from going back to the mental institution . "Come with me, it's alright I'll protect you" Louis nodded and slowly inched closer to Liam and reached out to take his hand. Liam took Louis's hand and the both of them walked quickly into the building. When they entered Liam made his way through the some what, crowded room and over to a counter where the receptionist was seated. She was talking on the phone with a patient and held her finger up "one minute" she smiled. "See Louis,- Liam whispered they're very kind" Louis glared at Liam and shook his head. At least Louis was communicating with him, unlike earlier, he wouldn't talk at all, he seemed so empty and emotionless it broke Liam's heart just to look at him. "Sorry about that!" The receptionist grinned "it's fine, we're here to see Dr James, we needed to talk to talk about something.." Liam said glancing at Louis who was looking down at his feet. "Of course, so is it a checkup?" "You could say that, I had called yesterday but I think you were closed, I got a message this morning saying to bring my friend in" "oh, and your name please" "Liam Payne and Louis Tomlinson" "alright, please fill out this form and sit in the waiting room, the doctor will be in to see you soon" "ok, thanks" Liam grabbed Louis's hand in his and they walked into the waiting room and took a seat. Liam sat filling out the papers he'd been given.He wasn't paying much attention to Louis who had gotten up and gone back out to the car, he couldn't drive away obviously but thought at least he'd be safe in there instead of the doctor's office. He went running to the car and shut the door. At least he was safe for now. 5 minutes later a nurse entered the waiting room, "Liam Payne and Louis Tomlinson the doctor can see you now" she said loudly. "Oh that's us" Liam piped up taking the papers with him, "come on Louis, Louis?" Darn it where he had gone now?! Maybe he had to use the bathroom, or went to get a drink. No he probably left, uh oh..not good what would happen to him? He has no idea what he's doing he'll get lost if he wanders off alone. "Excuse me"Liam asked a man seated beside him, "but have you seen my friend?"he asked frantically "the smaller boy who was sitting next to me he was here just a minute ago" "nope sorry" the old man replied looking up from his news paper and shrugging. Liam ran back to the receptionist's desk "have you seen my friend Louis by any chance?" "No I haven't, why do you ask?" Liam didn't want to say he'd run off but had to, the fact being that Louis's crazy and could injure someone, he didn't like to think that way about Louis but who knows what he'd do? Sure he seems calm for now but what if he gets scared or upset? He might hurt himself or others if he isn't thinking strait, which he's not. "Oh this isn't good" Liam said sighing deeply and putting his hand to his face. " I'm sure he'll return, he probably went to the restroom or something" "n-no I don't think he I really need to find him" "well I'm sure he can take care of himself hun" the woman giggled. "NO he cannot! He's mentally insane" Liam didn't mean to raise his voice or bring attention to himself, but just about everybody had turned their heads to look at him. "What do you mean?" "He's not mentally stable at the moment please I just need to find him" suddenly the doctor came in holding a clip bored in her right hand, and in her left was a pen. "What's going on out here? Oh hello Liam, I've been waiting for you, you're late" she huffed. "H-hello, you haven't seen Louis have you?" "No...I can't say that I have you mean to tell me you let him out of your sight? I thought we agreed you were to watch him until he-" Liam cut her off "yes yes I know and I was believe me, I was filling out a few papers and he disappeared" "well find him, he is not supposed to be out of your supervision" "come with me, I'll go have someone check the security cameras and see if he's left the building or not" Liam nodded and followed her, they passed one of the front windows and Liam sighed in relief, "I think I've found him,I'll be right back" there were about 9 or10 girls gathered around Liam's car trying to talk to Louis who was probably frightened by all the squealing. "I think he's in car I'm going to get him" Liam raced outside pushing through the screaming girls, "excuse me "let me get though" "Liam OMG you're here too!" The girls screamed delightedly " I need to get Louis out of the car, move please!" He screamed over top of them, he opened the door and snatched Louis out by the hand and marched back inside. The girls weren't aloud to enter, "they're here to talk with the doctor leave them alone" a nurse scolded, the girls finally gave up trying to get noticed by Liam and left. "Louis don't run away from me like that! Do you hear me?!" Liam yelled once they were inside, Louis responded by punching Liam in the arm and turned to run off, Liam grabbed by his arm and pulled him into a small room. "Listen to me Louis! They won't hesitate to take you back if you make them think you belong there, behave yourself!" "Shut up! Leave me alone!" Louis yelled turning to leave, "oh great don't tell me he's going to act this way, especially when he's here. If he starts getting out of control we'll be in for nothing but trouble"

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