Chapter 26 The End

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(One week later)

The boys and I had decided to go to the graveyard that day, well actually it was Niall's idea. He had bought some flowers that he wanted to put on the graves, Zayn and I agreed to go with him, although I don't think Zayn wanted to be there he never to much liked visiting graveyards, Niall said he was just scared but I think it was something different, if I were him I wouldn't exactly enjoy standing around in field full of dead people anyways, we just stood there staring, there wasn't much to be said really....none of us could be happy knowing our best friends were gone..I don't know why I just get a creepy feeling being here..Niall put his flowers on Louis's grave, and then handed one to me which I set on Harry's, they had buried Louis next to just didn't seem right..not that they were next to each that was fine. Just the thought of them being dead..gone..I could've saved Louis, I know I could've..I was so stupid thinking he could take care of himself, and I feel like a horrible friend not noticing he was getting worse..I should've know something was up. I think Perrie feels like it's her fault because she asked me to pick up her package, causing me to leave the house. When I saw her at the funeral she was bawling, she had run up and said she was sorry and begged me to forgive her, I already had of course, I just can't forgive wasn't because of her, it was all me. I left him alone when I promised I would never leave him..I told him I'd come back but he thought I'd lied to his face. How could he have thought I wouldn't come back for him? He thought he there wasn't a single person left on this earth who could love him after what he did..I loved him so much even after what happened, how could I not love him when he needed me most? I can't believe I let this should've been me who died not them they didn't deserve it..

I turned to Niall who had tears in his eyes,again. "Should we go?" I asked placing my hand on his shoulder, "no..let's stay here a while.." "Ok..if you'd like.." I sat down on the grass next to Niall, Zayn refused to sit down he said he didn't like being here and wanted to leave. "You're just scared" Niall said smirking, "am not" "are too" NO I am no-" "boys, please..." They both hung their heads and muttered "sorry"

Zayn finally sat with us, after complaining that is, we just sat there singing with each other and enjoyed the time we had together..I tried to block out any thoughts of Harry and Louis, but minutes later Niall spoke up. "I wonder how life would've been if Harry hadn't died.." I looked at him strangely and thought a moment about what he had said, well I guess Louis would still be here....if Harry hadn't died then I guess Louis wouldn't have gone insane...I still miss them so much..a day doesn't go by without me thinking of them..I guess you have to focus on all the good times instead of the bad..I mean we're still One Direction, always have been always will's just not the same..I'll never forget those two boys, the two boys that made me smile when I was feeling down..I'll never forget Harry's cheeky grin or his awkward jokes or how he always tried to cheer everyone up even if he was having a rough day..he always put everyone else first he didn't care what happened to himself as long as we were ok. He always used to say "I don't want anything else in life, I have all I need. I always wanted brothers now I have four" I can still hear him saying that...he called me his brother...he loved me that much..and now I feel awful, like I didn't pay enough attention to him..And of course I'll miss Louis..those last days with him were just..amazing, I mean if I could go back and do it all over again I would in a heartbeat, even when he wasn't in his right mind I still loved him, he was unpredictable at times but just fun to be around, life was never boring it was always an adventure..I think what I'll miss most of all was his charming personality..the way he smiled when he made us happy..he always did like doing favors for us, he would act annoyed at the time but in the end was always willing to help out. They were great guys, the world will never again have such amazing people as Louis and Harry it's a shame they're gone..those two were meant for each other..and now like Louis said they can be happy..together and you know if I could I'd go back in time and change what happened..but things don't always go the way we'd like, maybe this was for the best..I'll never know..but one things for sure, I know in my heart I'll see them again..maybe not today or even in a years time but some day, all five of us will be together...and that would be all I'd ever ask for Louis and to see you again.

The end :O sorry if it's not that great :( I had homework so I was in a hurry. What should I write about next? It'll be about the boys of course ^.^

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