See you again Chapter 6

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"Go sit over there" Louis commanded, motioning for Liam to take a seat on the couch. Liam who was still holding the phone, was trying to decide whether to disobey Louis and call the police or drop the phone and do as he was told. He thought it was best to listen to the person with the loaded gun, he set the phone down and raised his hands in the air. Then walked to the couch and sat down. "Why are you doing this?" Liam asked confused. Louis laughed loudly and raised the gun to Liam again. Not only had Harry's death caused sadness and greif but also seemed to have had an extreme mantel affect on Louis, who had gone absolutely mad. "Louis..don't do this." "Says the person who has been keeping me prisoner in MY own house.." Louis scoffed, "Any last words?" Louis mumbled in a low raspy voice, which sounded nothing like him. "Would Harry want you to do this?" Liam said calmly. Well that put a stop to everything Louis immediately dropped the gun, his hands started shaking wildly as he put them to his face, he started bawling and reached out for hug. Liam was angry with him, but his tear soaked cheeks and bitter sobs couldn't be ignored. This was still Louis and Liam wanted to help all he could. He sighed and sat next to Louis who was shaking and pulling at his hair. "Calm down, it's alright" Liam said while putting an arm around Louis while using his free hand to pick up the gun and shoved it under the couch, he'd unload it after Louis had gone to bed, then get rid of it he didn't want to take the risk of leaving a gun in the house even if it wasn't loaded, Louis was very clever and if Liam hid the bullets Louis would only find them again, who knows what might set him off. Louis sniffled and wiped his eyes, "Louis..I'm sorry" Liam said giving his hand a squeeze. " YOU DON'T HAVE TO BLOODY APOLOGIZE YOU DIDN'T KILL HARRY!" Louis burst out crying again, hot tears streaming down his cheeks. Liam's heart broke, poor Louis was really taking this very seriously, as were all of them but it was different for Louis..they weren't the ones who had been drunk driving and crashed a car, not only crashing but killing their best friend as well. Harry was the youngest of the five, and Louis always felt the need to protect him he always told Harry if anyone ever layed a finger on him he'd kill them. Liam wasn't quite sure how to respond to that..yes it was Louis's fault but no one wanted to admit it, all of the boys blamed themselves for Harry's death. Zayn said if he hadn't leant Louis his car Harry might still be here, Niall said he almost tagged along he wasn't going to drink because he was sick at the time, he said if he gone he could've driven them home safely and Harry would still be alive. Liam of course blamed himself more than the other two, he was the responsible one he was suppose to look out for all of them, keep everyone in line. If only he'd been there he could have stopped it. Liam wiped the tears from his eyes and turned his attention to Louis who was fiddling with the tv remote. "Wanna watch tv?" Liam asked Louis nodded and handed him the remote. Liam switched on tv wishing he hadn't, the news was on, a reporter was speaking into a microphone " Harry Styles was killed in a car crash a few months ago is Louis Tomlinson to blame? We haven't been able to speak to any of the boys-" Liam shook his head while turning off the tv. Louis glanced at him tears filling his eyes once more. "Come here Louis you need to go to bed" he took Louis by the hand and led him into the bed room. "I'll be right back DO NOT MOVE" Liam turned and ran out the door. Louis cried quietly and looked up to see a figure standing in front of him. "Hi boo bear" Harry said warmly. "I missed you" "I miss you too every day..." " why can't you come back?" " I just can't Louis..I'm so sorry" Louis let out a frustrated whine and angrily began throwing things shoes, books, clothes anything he could get his hands on, he cried harder and swung his foot back kicking the wall, leaving a big hole. Liam walked in holding a cup of tea, "Louis what the hell are you doing?!" He screamed pulling Louis back as he tried to smash another hole into the wall. "Harry said he can't come back! He is gone forever!" Louis cried flopping on the floor and putting his hand over his face. Liam sighed "don't tell me he's doing this again.." Liam thought. He tried to stay positive, at least when Harry was here Louis would calm down some, and what made it ever more heart breaking to Liam was that Harry was the only one Louis would actually have a conversation with...but Harry wasn't there.."Louis?" Liam said placing his hand on Louis's back gently only to have it pushed away "DON'T TOUCH ME" Louis shouted fear filling his voice, Liam backed up. He decided to sit on the edge of the bed and watch Louis who sitting on the floor talking to Harry, which was a pretty desturbing sight because Louis was crying and mumbling apologizes, accept Harry wasn't there so his apologies were useless. Liam slowly got up and left the room while Louis was distracted by Harry, he was going to give the doctor a quick call.

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