See you again Chapter 7

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Liam quickly entered the kitchen and picked up the phone which was still laying on the counter where he'd set it. Liam dialed the number but wasn't able to speak to the doctor, he got an answering machine recording "You've reached the doctor's office, we can't come to the phone at the moment, please leave us a message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible." After the beep, Liam left a message listing all of the things Louis had done in the last day or so, how he'd run away, thought and still thinks Harry is talking to him, and then the worst, pulling out a loaded gun and threatening to shoot. He also asked if there was any medication they could prescribe that could help control Louis's break downs and mood swings. Liam hung up the phone and then returned to the bed room only to find Louis on the floor crying his eyes out, he sounded miserable, Liam wasn't sure how much more of this he could take it had only been two days sense Louis had been home and things were already off to a horrible start. "What am I thinking?" Liam wondered "I'm being selfish he can't help it.." "Do you want anything Louis? Just let me know and I'll do it" Liam said softly. Louis looked him strait in the eye and whispered while choking on his tears, "I want Harry" was he could manage. Liam's heart sank "W-well Louis I'm sorry but I can't bring Harry back..he is gone" Louis swore at Liam then whined saying "you said you'd do anything..BRING HARRY BACK!" "Louis I cannot! I'm sorry..when someone dies you can't bring them back.." Louis stared blankly as if he could see could right through Liam, as if he wasn't there. "Lou he's not and never will come back.." Louis ignored Liam by putting his hands over his ears and screamed so he couldn't hear a word he was saying. Well trying to say, Louis can scream quite loudly Liam couldn't even hear himself speak. "Louis! quiet down! Other people live here too, you'll wake them up" Liam scolded while attempting to cover Louis's mouth, "shhhhh" Liam demanded harshly. Louis of course, didn't listen and continued his high pitched screeching, Liam tried to put his hand over Louis's mouth yet again but pulled his hand back in pain, Louis had bitten Liam's hand and could care less that he's injured him. Louis had stopped screaming and was now biting himself, very hard in fact leaving red or bluish marks on his pale skin. "stop that Louis" Liam complained taking Louis and holding his arm back so he couldn't go on hurting himself. oh how he wished he could have the old Louis back, then he could talk to him and joke around like the good old times. But no, he was stuck babysitting a psycho he hated using that word to describe Louis but that was pretty much all he was he wasn't...he was still Liam's best friend he would give the world to have Louis back but he already had him, this was his friend the same one he became friends with on the XFactor the same one he'd written songs with and spilled his heart out to when he was having a rough day. Were those days nothing but memories? Liam hated seeing Louis like this, it didn't even seem like him, sure some days Louis was angry or extremely hyped..but not like this..not yelling and crying, not becoming angry at every little thing someone said or did, not hurting himself to help cope with the pain he was feeling. Liam took Louis in his arms and allowed him to cry on his shoulder. "This'll be a long night" Liam thought as he sat with Louis comforting him until he fell asleep, in his clothes,again, which he hadn't changed sense he been home. Liam placed Louis bed, pulling the blankets over him then planted a small kiss on his forehead saying "I'm so sorry Louis.." Liam glanced at the sleeping boy once more before switching off the lights and sitting on the floor to keep watch. He hadn't slept in months, after Harry's death he felt tired and drained physically and mentally and now Louis returns completely out his mind. "I should've been there.." Liam whispered aloud "I'll never give up on you Louis..I'll try my hardest, I won't let anything happen to you" he kept talking even though Louis was sound asleep. You could say it was his way of telling Louis all the things he could no longer say, he could talk all he wanted but would Louis understand or even listen? Liam sighed and got to his feet and went into the bedroom across the hall, it was Harry's old room.He and the rest of the boys hated going in there, it only reminded them of Harry, not that it was bad to be reminded of someone they loved dearly but the pain was too much to bear. Liam took a small blanket and a pillow from Harry's bed and returned to Louis's room and layed on the floor. "good night Lou" Liam whispered before shutting his eyes and falling into a deep sleep.

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