-How did you find them?- Jongdae asked when we left the room and the guards took their bodies.
-I was just walking and found Jimin- I was still crying.
-Shh... calm down, Charlotte- he hugged me.
-Jongdae- I whispered into his ear.
-Everything will be okay- he stoked my hair.
-Charlotte- someone said.
I let go of Jondae's embrace and looked to see who it was. Jungkook. I ran to his arms and he hugged me.
-What happened?- he asked.
-Mister Jimin and miss Mia are dead- Jondae said.
-Make sure to find and kill the assasin, Chen- Jungkook said and guided me to another room- Lottie, don't cry.
-I saw Jimin dying...
-I know, baby, I'm so sorry for that.
-It's not your fault- I cleaned my eyes.
Jimin's body and Mia's were burned on the day after the "accident". It took me some nights to get better. I was always feeling down and crying. Kookie was always with me. If it wasn't him I would certainly die.
Kookie suggested to start my classes again. He said it would make me forget and think about other things. I agreed and on the night he said I walked to the library. Jongdae was already there.
-Good morning!- I said and he smiled.
-How do you feel?- he asked and got up.
-Better now- I said and he came in my direction.
-That's good.
He stroked my face and started coming closer. He was going to kiss me but I stopped him.
-I'm sorry but I can't- he looked at me- I'm with Jungkook and I love him. I'm sorry if I confused you or something like that.
-Don't worry- he smiled- but I'll still try to make you change your mind about that- he winked and I blushed- so, Jungkook said you also want to learn how to sing.
-Yes, I do. Can you teach me?
-Of course- he went sitting in front of the piano.
He started playing a melody while singing. He sang very well. When he finished I clapped and he laughed.
-Let's begin with some exercises.
Today the ball was in here on the castle. I got ready with help of Summer and Alisha and then left to the big salon. Jungkook was at the door waiting for me.
-How is my princess feeling?- he asked and held my hand.
-I'm fine, don't worry.
-I will always worry, baby- he smiled.
We danced the first song and then Jungkook went talk with some guests. I sat on a sofa and saw the people dancing.
-Hey, girl!- a voice said.
It was Claire. That blonde vampire. She was wearing a red dress and she had a great hairstyle.
-How are you? I haven't seen you in like ages!- she spoke loudly.
-I'm okay. What about you?
-Everything's fine! I'm going to marry- she showed me her hand with a shiny ring.
-Thank you, dear! You and Jk should totally come to my wedding! You guys are invited!
-Thank you- I smiled.
-I've heard Jungkook's friend was killed a few days ago! And her fiancé killed herself too, right?
-Yes...- I sighed.
-There are some rumors about who the assassin is!
-Who is it?
-They say it's Jungkook but I don't know! Jimin was his friend but we never know right?- I swallowed- I heard that he thought Jimin was someone he wasn't. Someone that Jungkook wanted dead very badly."Tell Jungkook that I'm really sorry..."
Jimin's voice echoed in my mind and the image of him dying appeared.
-You will have to excuse me, Claire- I said and got up.
I walked in Jungkook's direction and held his arm.
-We need to talk- I said with a serious voice.
We walked to the outside of he room to the library.
-What is it, Lottie?- he asked.
-There are some rumors about Jimin's death- I swallowed- they say it was you the one who killed him, but that's impossible, right? He was your friend?- I was more trying to convince myself that he didn't kill Jimin. He didn't answer- before he died he asked me to tell you that he was really sorry- I could see him swallowing- please don't tell me...
-It was me- he sighed- I was the one who killed Jimin!
My mouth opened in shock and my body started shanking very much. I couldn't believe. Did I heard it right?
-W-Why-y?- I was shaking.
-Because he was someone I needed to kill! Someone that was responsible for ruining my life! For turning me into this monster!- he screamed.
-What did he do?
-It wasn't him. It was his father! When I was human other humans beat me so hard that I was dying. I was in a unknown forest. When I was about to give up, a man appeared and turned me into a vampire. It was Jimin's father! His family was all responsible for this- he was angry.
-Then why did you kill Jimin instead of his father?
-Because all of his family deserves to suffer! They are responsible for doing this to me!- he screamed.
I was shaking so much that I almost fell. I left him in that room and ran away. I was crying. Why did he do that? Why did I fall in love with him? He's an assassin!A. N.
Ayo! How are you? Hope you like this chapter! Thank you so much for the comments and votes! We have almost 3K reads and I'm so happy for that. It's all thanks to you!
Love you❤️

Vampire |j.jk| EDITING
FanfictionVampires. Creatures from the shadows and the dark. White sharp teeth, pale skin, deep red eyes, desire for blood. They kill innocent people. Charlotte is the princess of a rich kingdom. She's a curious and happy girl that lives in a big palace with...