chapter one.

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"Mama? Mami? Ugh you just sleep forever always." A small voice pulled me away from my dreams as little elbows and knees roughly made their way across my body, eventually settling down on my side. I tried to roll away from the intrusion, only to be met with bigger sets of elbows and knees and a face full of thick brown hair. I nuzzled my way into the mass of brunette waves until I found a smooth plane of skin, and started slowly placing gentle kisses there until I heard a low, raspy giggle coming from underneath me, the kisses stopped as my lips couldn't help but turn into a wide smile. I pulled back to face a smile to match my own and the brightest green eyes I've ever seen.

"Hi." She breathed out the word without losing her smile or taking her eyes off of mine.

"Hi angel." I replied back, gently touching our noses together and placing a slow peck on her full pink lips which she easily reciprocated.

"Am I an angel too Mama? I wanna be one like Mami!" The little elbows and knees made there way back across me to land in between my fiancé and I, another head of wavy brunette locks splaying over my face.

"Definitely. My two Latina angels." I replied while pulling both of my girls closer, giving an extra tight squeeze and a kiss on each forehead before I let them go and fell back onto my pillow. Lauren scooped up my daughter- our daughter, and began peppering her cheeks with kisses until the both of them were a giggling mess.

"Did you sleep good 'Lilah?"

"Yes! I dreamed I was in Ponyville and I saw Pinkie Pie and read books with Twilight at the library and I went to the castle and there was a fancy party and cupcakes and and and-"

"Wow! That sounds like an amazing dream! You're gonna have to give me all the details over breakfast, I just have to know what you wore to the party!"

I smiled at how easily Lauren could seem interested in a four year olds dream about My Little Pony, she had such a natural way with children and that was one of my favorite things about her. I remember when she first met Delilah, she was barely a year old and Lauren and I were just friends at the time, but my heart skipped a beat when I saw the way her eyes lit up the first time she held her and how attentive and caring she was to her even with no obligation to be. I must have got carried away thinking about how much things had changed between us because suddenly I had two sets of big green eyes giving me confused looks, Delilah as if I had two heads and Lauren with a little smirk as if she knew I was off in my own world. I blushed a little, but kept some composure and sent a wink her way before jumping off the bed and grabbing Delilah's hands, lifting her up into my arms before asking, "what sounds good for breakfast love bug?"

"Um toast! And pineapple!"

"Toast and pineapple?" Lauren and I both burst into laughter as Lilah clambered down and scurried out of the room, the sound of little feet pattering quickly down the hall, coming to a sudden stop before fading out one by one down the stairs.

"She's something else huh?" Lauren smiled and looked at me expectantly, her eyes flickering behind me to the door and back up to my own eyes again.

"What are you thinking pretty girl?" I smirked, running my tongue over my bottom lip as I walked back towards the bed.

"I didn't get a proper good morning from you." She bit her bottom lip and dipped her chin down, eyes sparkling as they met mine.

"Little miss toast and pineapple will probably be needing our assistance in a few minutes, but, I can see what I can cook up before she comes looking for us." My voice dropped just above a whisper on the last few words, my lips hovering no more than an inch above hers. We locked eyes, before our lips met softly and she quickly tangled her slender fingers in my hair. I moved us back towards the pillows, gently laying her on her back, never separating our lips. I took the first opportunity I had to glide my tongue over hers, rewarding me with an almost silent moan escaping her soft lips.

pretty girl (Lauren/You- first person)Where stories live. Discover now