chapter twenty seven.

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Sorry I hate these at the beginning of the story! But I guess when I hit publish the second time it used an earlier revision. I used my tablet, & I have a lot of issues with my account going between that and my phone so I'm sorry again! Haha anyway here is the COMPLETED chapter

I cried myself to sleep, but I couldn't stay asleep. I woke up around one in the morning, and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't fall back asleep. Lauren was out like a light, the rhythm of her breathing calming me a bit, but not enough to put me to sleep. I switched back and forth between watching her peaceful features and soaking up her beauty and turning away from her as a punishment. I was so upset with myself, I didn't deserve to look at her. Around five, I couldn't take laying in the bed anymore, so I huffed and tossed the covers aside and trudged downstairs. I started setting up the coffee pot, figuring since I would be relying on the drink to get me through the day, I should probably start drinking it now.

I shopped around in the pantry while the coffee brewed, eventually pulling out the ingredients to make waffles and digging out our new waffle maker from the pile of wedding gifts. I read over the box and scanned the directions while I sipped on my first cup, once I had the machine set up I began on the batter. I had pulled out a variety of add ins, chocolate chips, white chocolate chips, strawberries, blueberries and bananas, and since I couldn't decide on what to put in I just made another batch of batter and divided it all up in multiple bowls, dropping in handfuls of different combinations of the fruits and chocolate. I spent probably an hour standing at the counter, making waffle after waffle and refilling my coffee cup until the batter was gone. It was unnecessary, but it helped me clear my head and not feel so down on myself for how stupid I acted the day before.

I checked the clock, seeing that it was a little after six, and deciding I had enough time to make a full breakfast along with the waffles. So I cracked some eggs, fried some leftover mashed potatoes into patties that loosely resembled a fast food hash brown, and cooked some bacon and sausage. Once everything was finished, I went into the cupboards again and came out with two lap trays. I set one up for Delilah, with a cut up chocolate chip and strawberry waffle, a small bit of eggs and meat, and half a hash brown. I put a lidded My Little Pony cup filled with chocolate milk in the corner and took it up to her room.

I knew she would probably be tired since she went to bed so late, so I set the tray next to her on the floor and gently rubbed her back to wake her up. "Morning love bug." I cooed. "I got you some breakfast."

"Mm'tireeedddd." She drawled out in a low, sleepy voice.

"I know bug, just try to wake up okay? Eat your food, I'll come check on you in a few minutes." I patted her back again before walking out of the room and back to the kitchen to prepare another tray.

I put a little extra care into this one, cutting off a triangle of each different flavored waffle and arranging them in a pinwheel shape on a plate, adding another smaller plate with all of the other foods I had prepared. I checked the coffee pot, seeing the third pot of the morning had finished brewing so I poured a steaming cup and set it on the tray, finishing it off with a small cup of syrup and another one of whipped cream on the side. I rolled the silverware up neatly in a napkin and grabbed a water bottle, before abruptly running to the backyard and plucking a flower from the pink rose bush that we technically shared across the fence with our neighbor, setting it in a slim vase to complete the tray. I took a deep breath and made my way upstairs to surprise Lauren. I didn't expect to be forgiven overnight, but I wanted to show her I was extremely sorry and spoil her for a few days, or however many she deemed necessary until I was back in good standing with my wonderful wife.

I pushed the door open with my hip and made my way to the bed, where Lauren was still curled up, hugging a pillow, fast asleep. "Good morning pretty girl. I made breakfast." I whispered as I set the tray on her nightstand. She stirred instantly, probably quite literally waking up and smelling the bacon. My wife rubbed her eyes and stretched every which way before blinking them open and looking all around, first at the tray, and then towards me. Her expression was completely unreadable, half of me was prepared to duck from flying plates and the other half was praying for her to even speak to me today.

pretty girl (Lauren/You- first person)Where stories live. Discover now