chapter three.

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We got dressed and somehow made it out of our bedroom without another incident around noon. Speaking for the both of us, we were starving after all of our activities. Lauren suggested grilling some chicken and having salads outside since it turned out to be such a pretty day. We had a lovely set up in the backyard, a rather large covered patio attached to the kitchen, complete with a furniture set, dining table, an outdoor kitchen and grill area and fully stocked bar. Everything coordinated well with the outside of our home. We loved being the ones to entertain friends and family so when choosing a house, we got lucky to find this one that didn't require much renovation.

"Is it too early for margaritas?" I asked with a serious face, I really needed to know.

"No such thing as too early for anything on a Saturday, except waking up." Lauren replied with a face just as serious as mine.

"Whew, okay good because I already got the blender out and everything." Lauren laughed at my lame attempt at a joke, and I laughed at her laugh because she was adorable. The way her eyes crinkled up and her mouth opened up to see her cute little bunny teeth, never mind that the raspy tone was literal music to my ears. Sometimes I would get so lost in my thoughts thinking about how much I truly loved every thing about her. Suddenly a phone vibrating on the bar top broke me out of my daydream. Lauren reached for hers and answered.

"Hallo!" I smiled at her cute greeting. It was something she said a lot and it got cuter every time. Well, to me anyway. While she took her phone call, I turned my attention back to our margaritas. Once I had everything ready I saw she was still talking, so I motioned for her to go away so I could turn the blender on. She winked and walked off, again swaying her hips on purpose trying to rile me up. I would love to say that it didn't work, but I'd be lying to myself. I got our drinks ready in some cute rimmed glasses complete with lime wedges and some paper umbrellas, this was our free weekend so I figured I could be a little extra if I wanted to. I looked up to see my beautiful fiancé walking towards me with a smile on her face.

"Who was on the phone pretty girl?" I questioned as I slid her drink over to her, pulling open a bottle of caesar dressing and looking towards the grill to see if our chicken was finished.

"Norma- wow okay." I looked up to see her with a sour face. I smirked at her before responding.

"Strong?" I took a sip of my own, silently agreeing it was a little strong but fighting for it not to show on my face.

"You'll have me blacked out before dinner with these! Hey, we should toast some bread on the grill then, because I'm still gonna drink it." She laughed as she tried another sip, still making a sour face but not as bad as the first one. "But before I was nearly alcohol poisoned I was saying that was Normani on the phone." She smirked and I just rolled my eyes.

"Oh is she gonna come over?"

"Yeah she said she was going shopping with Dinah later and they'd come around probably after dinner, said they'd bring wine."

"I love wine." I mumbled, mostly to myself but Lauren still caught it.

"I love you!" She looked at me with a cheesy grin and it took everything in me not to melt into a puddle right there on the bar. I smiled and leaned towards her with her back pressed against the counter, my lips hovering in front of hers, and said "I love you pretty girl," before sealing our lips in a sweet, lingering kiss.


We spent the rest of the day relaxing around the house, Lauren wanted to paint at one point but came out of the studio not even five minutes later claiming she was lonely, so I offered to sit in there with her and that lasted about thirty minutes before she gave up on her meaningless brush strokes because she couldn't decide what to paint. We called it the studio, but it was just a spare bedroom we had used for storage that slowly morphed itself into a makeshift art studio. Easels, construction paper, markers, paints, coloring books, anything you could make art with wound up in that room. It had a window with a great view of the backyard that let a lot of sunlight in and Lauren said it was good for inspiration, and Delilah loved spending time in there with her. It was a great way for the two of them to bond, Lauren with her natural artistic ability was able to teach her how to paint and draw different things much better than I ever could.

pretty girl (Lauren/You- first person)Where stories live. Discover now