chapter four.

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The rest of Sunday went by relaxed and uneventful, Lauren and I both recovering from our hangovers and just enjoying spending time together. Unfortunately, Monday morning seemed to come all too soon. I was in the middle of a wonderful dream about a romantic honeymoon in Italy, when a piercing xylophone sound came in and loudly interrupted. I tried to ignore the intrusion but it seemed to go on forever, getting louder as the minutes ticked by while my imaginary honeymoon faded away. I shifted in bed trying to block out the sound and bring my dream back, but it was no use. So, I sighed dramatically and felt around the bed looking for the phone with the alarm. I hadn't found it yet, but I did find one of Lauren's arms, so using that as a starting point I slowly crept my hand over to her ribs, then up a bit further...

"Eager this morning? Was last night not enough? Or all of Saturday?" A sleepy, raspy voice quietly teased me. I felt Lauren shift in bed and finally my ears were saved from that awful alarm.

"It's Monday babe, I need a little positivity to get my day started. And these," I rolled over and nuzzled my face to her chest, making us both laugh, "are very positive." I lifted my chin and looked into Lauren's sparkly green eyes, then slowly reached my hand out to cup her face, bring her closer for a tender kiss. "Morning pretty girl, did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, because I have the best cuddle buddy." She gave me a cheeky grin and a wink, before sliding out from under me and practically skipping to the bathroom. She was adorable, but no one should have so much energy on a Monday morning. Following her lead, I got out of bed and headed downstairs to start the coffee, I had a feeling I was going to need it.

Lauren came downstairs dressed for work not too long after. I say dressed for work, but really she was dressed casual- high waisted jeans that hugged her curves wonderfully, a plain v-neck t shirt and a navy blue patterned cardigan. When you teach college art classes it's probably best not to wear a Gucci pantsuit everyday, although she looked amazing in that too. She left her hair in their natural, full waves and only had the slightest bit of mascara on. I could never decide if she was more beautiful natural like this or glammed up, so I decided that both looks had won that round. She was walking around the house gathering her things while I took the opportunity to stare shamelessly at my future wife. I really was obsessed with her.

"Do you have clients today?" I heard a distant voice call out to me.

"Yeah, only two though but lots of paperwork. I should be out of there by one, so I can get Delilah then and we'll wait for you at home."

I heard heels clicking on the hardwood making their way towards me. "I have a meeting after my last class so I should be home by four, we can cook dinner together maybe?" She dipped her chin down and looked up at me with those big green eyes, I wanted to melt.

"Sounds good, Professor." I smirked and pulled her body close to mine, leaving a long, affectionate peck on her forehead before tilting my chin to reach her lips, she sighed into our kiss and wrapped one hand on my neck and ran the other down my shoulder. We stayed that way for a few minutes, just kissing at a slow pace, enjoying each other.

"I have to go," she pouted as she pulled away from me.

"I love you baby. Have a good day at work." I handed her a travel mug of coffee and stole one last kiss as we headed towards the front door.

"You too babe. I love you." She smiled and started walking out towards her car, only to place her things on the hood and run back to the house.

"Forget somethi-" I was interrupted by soft pink lips crashing on to my own. I couldn't help but let out a quiet moan and the unexpected affection.

"One more for the road." She breathed out between giggles. I smiled back and sent her on her way. I turned around to get ready for my own workday.


pretty girl (Lauren/You- first person)Where stories live. Discover now