chapter eighteen.

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"Stretch it to the left! It's all long on this side, it looks silly!" Lauren rolled her eyes but did what I asked her to do anyways.

"I hate this stuff." She grumbled. I just laughed.

"I hate it too. It looks so simple, like glow in the dark cotton candy. But then you take it out of the bag and it's impossible!" I opened up another bag of fake spider webbing to drape around the bushes in front of the house. Even though we were still a few days away from October, we were ready to get in the Halloween spirit. And with the wedding being so close to Halloween, we wanted to get any decorating out of the way as soon as we could.

"I want to help!" Delilah had been riding her bicycle in the driveway, but abruptly abandoned it to run over and get into the polyester spiderwebs.

"Go put your bike in the garage properly and come back." Lauren told her right away. Delilah scrunched her face and made her hands into tiny fists peeking out of her hoodie sleeves, looking ready to blow. Before she could stomp her foot or make any sassy remarks, Lauren raised her eyebrow and took a step forward. Delilah's face quickly changed and she turned on her heel to run for her bike. I shook my head and just laughed at my girls. Delilah came back with an abnormally angelic smile on her face.

"I put my bike away Mami." She batted her eyelashes and looked up at Lauren.

"Yeah? If I go in there it's going to be off to the side where it's supposed to be and not out in the middle of the garage right?" Lauren started walking that way, only to be stopped by a panicked four year old.

"Um, I just remembered! I gotta fix it!" She held her hands out in front of her, silently pleading with Lauren to not go in there. I was stifling my laughter while Lauren sighed dramatically.

"Just do it right the first time bug!" She laughed as Delilah ran back into the garage. "She is something else."

"I know it." I gave Lauren a quick kiss on the cheek. "She's cute though."

"You're cute." She brushed her nose against mine before kissing me, on the lips this time.

"You're cute." I replied, taking her chin in my hand and bringing her close for a searing kiss. I ran my tongue along her bottom lip until she opened her mouth for me to explore. Her hands squeezed my hips as our tongues danced around each other. She sighed into my lips as I trailed my fingers from her chin, up her jaw and down her neck.

"Is that how you guys are gonna make a baby sister for me!?" Our lips stopped moving but stayed together until Lauren and I started laughing at our little interruption.

"Not exactly." Lauren said as she dropped her hands from my hips and turned back to the spiderweb she had been working on. I did the same and motioned Delilah over to help me.

"Pull it here," I showed her where on the bundle to start, "see how now it looks more like a spiderweb? Now pull from all directions so it stretches out over the bush, it'll look spooky when we're done!" She poked her tongue out of her lips in concentration as she focused intently on stretching the spiderweb just right. Once we had the last of that tedious decoration spread out, we placed some giant black and purple foil spiders in their homes for the month. They were cute with big round eyes and not at all realistic, which I was thankful for. I loved Halloween, but for me there was a time and place for the really scary decorations, and it's wasn't now and certainly wasn't at my house.

Lauren had grabbed a box with some pumpkin stake lights and began placing them around the edge of the driveway to mark the path. She showed Delilah how to space them out evenly, but had to help her with actually getting them into the ground since she wasn't quite strong enough yet. While the two of them did those lights, I pulled out a door poster that looked like a cute monster face. It was mostly green and purple with a furry black unibrow near the top. I wasn't exactly tall enough to reach the top of the door, so I attempted to reach it by jumping. Needless to say, it was pathetic. I heard laughter behind me as I tried once more, this time actually coming close to clipping one corner of the poster.

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