chapter thirty seven.

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It was technically our last night in Italy, being that it was the last night we would be able to go out, since we had chosen another early morning flight to get to Spain. Lauren and I had done most of the things we wanted to do, like visiting the Trevi Fountain, Tower of Pisa and an abundance of unique cafe's and restaurants. Since there was such a distance between all of the country's major landmarks, we made sure to take photos and stop at any interesting place we saw along the way, Lauren occasionally writing something she wanted to remember down in her journal. Overall, I could honestly say I had a great time on the first half of our vacation, and was looking forward to what we would get up to once we got to Spain.

Tonight, we had planned to stop at a trendy restaurant for a late dinner before heading off to a club. The next day would mostly be spent packing and preparing for travel, so we wanted to go out with a bang before we left the country.

"Jesus fuck, Lauren."

"What?" She spun around, concern etched all over her face. "What is it?" She looked back in the mirror, turning from side to side repeatedly, looking for something wrong.

"Babe, nothings wrong." I chuckled, stepping closer so both of us were in the reflection of the large bathroom mirror. "You just look so sexy." I spoke in a low voice, running my hands over her skin tight dress, black in color of course. I followed her waist down to her hips, leaving open mouthed kisses across the back of her neck and shoulder blades. "So sexy." Lauren sighed, her head tilting back as I brought my lips forward and up to her jaw, teasingly licking and nipping at the sensitive skin. I pulled back, earning a whine and an abrupt turn of the head from my wife.

"Keep kissing me." She pouted.

"If I do that I won't ever get you out of this house." I replied cheekily. "It's already six o'clock, it took us forever to get ready because I wouldn't stop kissing you."

"Among other things." She mumbled.

"Yes dear, plenty of other things, my fingers are still pruned, see?" I teased, holding out my perfectly fine hand to prove my imaginary point. Lauren scoffed and pushed my hand away amid laughter, and I blushed hearing my favorite sound. We playfully shoved and tickled each other for a few minutes, laughing the entire time until we had accidentally built up the tension between us yet again, which seemed to be the common theme of this trip. Dark green irises with blown pupils were locked on mine, both of us silently waiting for the next move. I knew if I didn't do something we would never leave the house, so I stepped forward and captured Lauren's lips in a hot kiss. She moaned a bit louder than expected, bringing both hands up to wrap around my neck. When she tried to slip her tongue past my lips, I pulled away.

"Let's go babydoll." I squeezed her backside and started walking towards the door, being followed by a now grumbling to herself Lauren. I chuckled at her frustration. "When we get home, we can fuck for twelve hours straight if you want to." I called out behind me as I rounded into the kitchen, grabbing both of our clutches sat on the counter and double checking that we had everything we needed inside of them.

"Maybe I will want to." Came her sassy reply.

"Well good because that sounds like fun. After we finish packing of course." I flashed a cheesy smile before heading for the door.

The nightlife in Siena, where we were staying, was found to be relaxed, quiet and casual, lots of pubs and hardly any decent clubs. Because we were looking for something a little more exciting, we decided to make the almost three hour drive back out to Rome, where the selection of lively nightclubs was much broader. I had a tingling anticipation in my veins as Lauren sped the foreign sports car along the winding Italian streets, for some reason I felt that tonight was going to be a really good night.

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