chapter fifty one.

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Lauren's due date was May fourth. During that last week, we did our best to tie up all of our loose ends, double check and pack every bag, and confirm our plans for who would have Delilah when she wasn't at the hospital with us, while the three of us at home waited a bit impatiently for someone to make their grand entrance. We had our last check up on the second, finding out Lauren was dilated less than one centimeter. She was a little worried about that, but Dr. Robbins assured us that was fine and that when it was actually time, she would finish dilating the full ten centimeters. Lauren was also worried her water would break in a big dramatic fashion, but again we were assured the chances of that were very unlikely and her water would probably be broken by the doctor herself after she was admitted to labor and delivery. Our last concern was that Lauren had actually lost five pounds from our last appointment, but Dr. Robbins was completely unphased, telling us it was normal, and probably meant baby would be here before we knew it.

On May third, Lauren woke in the middle of the night with some cramping, and I thought it was going to be it. Once I realized what could be happening, I jumped out of bed, told her to start timing herself and ran downstairs to start the coffee pot. When I went back upstairs to check on her, the bedroom light was off and she was back under the covers, the pillows she had placed under her tummy and back for support holding the blanket up so she looked adorably small in the big, fluffy bedding. I got a bit concerned at the sight though, wondering if something was wrong or if she was that tired that she thought she could go back to bed and our baby would try again later in the morning.

"Hey pretty girl, I don't think they'll let you give birth in your sleep." I teased gently, brushing some hair behind her ear and leaving a kiss on her temple, trying to coax her back up.

"We're not leaving. I'm going back to bed." She said in a sleepy, slightly pouty tone.

"Lauren, are you okay?" I asked more seriously.

"I'm embarrassed. Goodnight, I love you." She whined before hiding her face in the pillow and pulling the blanket up to scrunch under her chin. I sat quietly for a second, completely confused on what she could be embarrassed about. When I didn't say anything for a few more minutes, she peeked one eye up at me shyly.

"Babe? I don't understand." I said sympathetically, shaking my head slightly. "But, I don't want you to be embarrassed around me." I rubbed her shoulder gently, and she scooted her body towards me in response.

"It's wasn't a contraction." She mumbled, turning back into the pillow. I furrowed my brow, wondering how she came to that conclusion when she was very obviously pregnant and it was only one day before her due date. What else could she have stomach cramps for?

"Oh." I said quietly in realization, watching her cheeks flush and a pout curl into her lips as she tried to hide her face again. "Don't be embarrassed pretty girl." I cooed, leaning down to kiss her temple as she wiggled away from me. "That happened to me too."

"It did?" A quiet, sad voice said, muffled by the pillow.

"Yes, it really did. Only everyone heard me figure it out." I deadpanned, blushing at the unfortunate memory. Lauren tried to stifle her giggle, but I started laughing as well. "It was like, so loud." I said between cackles.

"Oh my god, stop!" Lauren screamed, rolling over and laughing even harder. "Ooh, my stomach hurts again stop making me laugh." She said as she tried to control her breathing, now only giggling every five seconds or so.

"Maybe you'll laugh yourself into labor." I teased, reaching over and feeling the underside of her belly. "Come out and meet us already!" I pouted.

"No, please let me get some sleep first." Lauren said seriously, finally getting her giggles under control and snuggling back down, closing her eyes right away.

pretty girl (Lauren/You- first person)Where stories live. Discover now