chapter forty four.

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Delilah seemed to be enjoying her summer, dividing her week up between staying at home with Lauren when she had days off, and spending time with our friends and family on days we both had to work. Though rare, there were a few days where we were able to get everyone together in our backyard to enjoy the weather and each other's company. Like tonight, Lauren's family and my family had already left, while Delilah was fast asleep on the living room couch, curled up in one of Lauren's high school sweatshirts. Only Dinah and Normani remained, and we sat in the backyard drinking wine and goofing off like we usually did.

"So." Dinah said, topping off her wine glass right to the rim. She sipped it down with a mischievous glint in her eye, looking at me from the side. "Since we're talking about your honeymoon," she paused giving Lauren the same pointed look she was giving me, "whatever happened that one night?"

"What one night?" Lauren asked honestly, clearly missing the exaggerated smirk on Dinah's face and the one that was slowly creeping into Normani's face as she realized what Dinah was asking.

"You know what night." Normani teased, while I sat back and sipped my own wine, feeling my cheeks flush slightly at the memories. Lauren looked between the three of us with genuine confusion etched in her features, silently pleading to be let in the loop.

"Babe, when we went to the club..." I said, raising my eyebrows to insinuate what else had happened. "In Italy?" I elaborated when she showed no sign of catching on. After a few quick seconds of blank staring, her cheeks turned pink and her eyes widened, showing that she finally understood.

"We already told you about that." Lauren dismissed, clearing her throat and distracting herself with her phone. Dinah's smirk only grew, and I picked my wine glass up again, knowing she was ready to give us a hard time and that I would probably need some liquid courage.

"No, you didn't." Dinah argued, shaking her head adamantly. "You never gave us any details."

"You got plenty of details!" Lauren disagreed.

"No way! All you said was, 'we might gave s threesome omgf'" Dinah read straight from her phone, making all of us laugh at Lauren's drunken typos. "And then proceeded to ignore me when I tried to ask you about it!"

"You sent me over a hundred messages in an hour the next day." Lauren deadpanned.

"Because you wouldn't answer me!" Dinah threw her hands up, exasperated. "Stop beating around the bush! I want the details!"

"You're so perverted." Normani scoffed, making a face of offense at Dinah. "Anyway, don't skip anything." She chirped, turning towards us with a smug grin. Lauren and I both rolled our eyes as Dinah laughed.

"I'll tell it, I guess." Lauren sighed, tipping her glass back and finishing off what was left in it. She sighed again, this time more exaggerated, before standing up and walking over to the bar to get a new bottle. We all watched her intently as we waited for her to start the story, but she seemed set on taking her time. Dinah and I shared a pursed lipped look of annoyance as my wife glided back towards the patio chair she had been sitting in, quietly settling down and crossing her legs over each other, still not saying a word.

"Stop being annoying." Dinah huffed.

"I just, why do you want to know so bad?" Lauren laughed nervously, and I internally awwed at how shy she was getting.

"Because, you guys have the best stories. And I like to live vicariously through you and your sexcapades." Dinah admitted with a shrug. I nodded in understanding, while Lauren shook her head. "So, go ahead. You met this girl at the club..." she encouraged, waving her hand and urging Lauren to continue.

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