chapter fifteen.

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I quickly left the table to get ahold of my brother. He picked up on the first ring.

"Hey, you got my text?"

"Yes! How far along is she? Are you at the hospital yet? Did her water break?" Jacob laughed on the other end.

"We're already at the hospital. We've been here a few hours already, I didn't want to call anyone in case they ended up sending us home because it was too soon or something."

"So what's the update then?"

"She's only about five centimeters dilated. Her parents and brother are here already, her best friend is on the way now."

"What about..." I trailed off, but he knew who I was going to ask about.

"She didn't answer when I called, so I'm waiting to hear back from her." For some reason that disappointed me. My mother was there for me when I had Delilah, I wanted Jake to have the same support.

"Alright well, Lauren and I can come now if you need us there? Or we can wait, I don't know how you guys are feeling. I know I was really overwhelmed with the amount of people who showed up when I had Delilah and I just wanted everyone to go away, including Anthony." We both laughed at my confession.

"Doctors said it'll be a few more hours anyway, don't rush over. It's a lot of waiting, a lot of monitoring and ice chips."

"Alright, how about you call me back right before they want her to push. That way we won't be two more people in the way and panicking through the worst of it and we'll probably get there just as everything starts to calm down."

"Sound perfect, I'll talk to you later."

"Alright dude, and good luck! Tell Madison I said the same."

"Will do." With that we hung up. I was feeling relieved that we wouldn't have to rush out of dinner because the baby was almost here. I calmly walked back to the table to have four sets of eyes staring me down.


"Is she in labor?"

"Did Aunt Madison have her baby yet?"

"What's going on?"

I laughed because they all spoke at once, I couldn't even tell who said what. No one else seemed to find the humor in it as they all continued to watch me, waiting for an answer. I widened my eyes as I slowly sat down, picking my fork back up and pushing the food around on my plate, not saying a word. I looked up at them trying to hide my smirk before taking a bite and chewing slowly, making a scene. "You know I really love the food here, we should come here more often." I mused teasingly.



"Come on!"


I laughed again as they all came yelling at me. "Okay, oh my goodness." I was still laughing as I finally gave them the news.

"Jake said it's going to be a few more hours, she's only dilated five centimeters."

"What's di-a-lay-did?" Delilah tried out the word and we all smirked and tried to hide our giggles.

"It means her body has to stretch itself so the baby can come out." Normani answered her simply.

Delilah looked down at her plate with furrowed brows for a minute, processing this new information. "Oh. Okay." She said and then picked up her spoon for a sloppy bite of macaroni and cheese. We all gave each other a look, silently laughing at how nonchalant she could be sometimes.

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