chapter forty eight.

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"Shh. Don't wake her up yet." A voice I couldn't pinpoint said from far away.

"I won't do it on purpose Mami." Sounding closer than the other voice, I recognized the attitude as Delilah easily.

"Okay, leave the flowers right there on the pillow and we can go back downstairs. Do you want breakfast?" The unfamiliar voice suddenly sounded very familiar, bringing a soft, sleepy smile to my face at the thought of who it belonged to.

"Yes I'm so hungry!" Delilah whisper yelled. "What's my baby going to eat?" She asked Lauren. I internally aww'ed at her use of the words "my baby."

"Your baby eats whatever Mami eats while they're in my tummy." Lauren answered as I felt a dip in the bed. A few seconds later I felt a pair of soft lips land right above my eyebrow, lingering for a bit until they left and then placed a kiss on my cheek. I felt the weight shift as Lauren tried to pull away, but I mustered up my strength and reached my arm out for her.

"Come back." I said groggily, with my eyes still closed.

"Hi mama!" Delilah decided now was a good time to throw all remnants of her inside voice out the window. "It's your anniversary did you know that!?" I cringed instinctively at the high pitch of her excited voice.

"Delilah." Lauren scolded gently. "Mama just woke up, that's not very nice to yell."

"Sorry." She said in a much quieter tone. I peeked one eye open, turning my head from one side to the other so I could see both girls hovering around me. Delilah had a bright, excited smile on her face as she stood next to the bed, while Lauren was kneeling next to me with our arms still pressed together from when I held on to her.

"Good morning bug. And yes I did know it's our anniversary, how did you know?" I slowly inched my way up the pillow, so I wasn't sitting up completely but also wasn't laying down.

"Mami told me, and because I had to help her with something." Delilah smiled, brushing away the loose hairs that had been moved from her ponytail as she slept.

"Help her with what?" I smiled smugly at Lauren, wondering what she was up to. As I studied her, something caught my eye. I turned to the empty side of the bed, to see a beautiful bouquet of two dozen roses, mostly red, with a few white and pink roses mixed in. Lauren giggled when my jaw dropped in surprise.

"Lauren! These are beautiful!" I exclaimed, leaning forward and wrapping my arms around her. "You didn't have to get me flowers! I love them, and you." I pulled back, kissing her forehead as she watched me with a grin.

"Today's a big deal, okay?" She laughed again. "Plus, I haven't gotten you flowers in a long time." She clasped her hands together at the back of my neck, bumping her nose against mine cutely before capturing my lips. I sighed happily, enjoying the feeling of her plump lips on mine.

"I love you, pretty girl." I said when she pulled away, brushing my knuckles against her soft cheek. "Happy one year anniversary."

"Um mama, we were supposed to go make breakfast before you woke up." Delilah interrupted our moment, tapping on my leg. "And, well my baby can't grow and come out if they don't eat anything." She shrugged, confident in her logic.

"That's enough to convince me." I joked, leaning down to kiss the small girls cheek before sliding out of bed, waiting for the two of them to follow me before we walked downstairs to the kitchen. Delilah convinced Lauren to make her some French toast, while I cut up strawberries and a banana as a topping. Breakfast was relatively uneventful, Delilah telling us all of her plans for spending the night with Clara and Mike while I pulled Lauren into my lap and fed her a few bites of the overnight oats she was always keeping prepared lately as her go to breakfast, part of her diet change.

pretty girl (Lauren/You- first person)Where stories live. Discover now