chapter twenty three.

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Friday morning I woke up with a smile on my face. The sun was shining through the window, birds were chirping, and I was wrapped up in... a cold blanket? I furrowed my brow and rolled over, blinking my eyes open only to see an empty bed. I huffed and flopped back on the pillow, I wanted to cuddle. As I laid there pouting to myself, my mood suddenly changed as I came out of my sleepy haze and realized what today really was. We're getting married, I thought to myself. My chest felt warm as I became overwhelmed with emotion, which caused me to laugh softly to myself. If I was feeling this way just after waking up, how would the rest of the day go?

It had been an entire five minutes since I had woken up and still no sign of Lauren, so I stretched and found a The 1975 t shirt and some sweatpants near the foot of the bed, put them on and made my way downstairs. The house was quiet, which was to be expected since Delilah wasn't home, but i found myself wondering where my fiancé was. I smiled to myself at the thought that she would only be my fiancé for a few more hours, and then I could finally call her my wife. I rounded the corner into the kitchen, still no sign of Lauren. I walked over to the sliding door and peeked outside, it really was a beautiful morning, the leaves had began changing so the trees were a bright mixture of green, red, orange and yellow with a cloud free blue sky as the background. As I was admiring the view from our backyard, a head of wavy brunette locks caught my eye. There she was, curled up in a big sweater on a couch on the patio, sipping at a big mug of what was probably coffee. I opened the door quietly and made my way outside.

"Hi angel." I spoke barely above a whisper. Her head shot up in surprise and I was lucky to watch a huge smile take over her face. She set her cup down and stood up, nearly running the few steps to close the distance between us and hugging me tightly, which I had no problem reciprocating.

"Morning baby." Her words were muffled as she had buried her face in the crook of my neck.

"You woke up early." I mused.

"I was too excited, I couldn't fall back asleep."

"Excited? What for?" I couldn't help but tease her, but all I got in response was a huff and a girl trying to wiggle out of my arms, so I squeezed her tighter and started peppering her cheek with kisses. "Word on the street is it's a pretty girl's wedding day, do you know anything about that?" She stopped trying to get out of our hug and slowly looked at me with a cheesy smile. I matched her grin and we just stood locked in each other's arms, staring into those bright green eyes I loved so much.

"It's your wedding day too." She whispered.

"I can't believe that in less than 10 hours I get to finally start calling you my wife. That's how I'll address you from now until the end of time. 'Wife, are you hungry? Wife, shall we pick up the children? Wife, will you join me in the bedroom?'" I used my best rich and sophisticated accent, which just by itself was enough to send us into a laughing fit.

"What am I supposed to call you, so we don't get confused?" Lauren feigned seriousness. I played along and looked up to the sky with my hand on my chin, waiting a few moments as if I was thinking.

"Second best wife."

"What? Why second best?"

"Because you're the best, but I'm pretty good too." I winked as Lauren laughed and gently shoved my shoulder.

We made our way inside, checking the clock and deciding we had enough time to take a shower together. We had no sexual intentions, just a desire to spend our time together before the craziness of the final wedding preparations. I turned the water on to a comfortable, yet steamy temperature and spun around to undress. I slowly helped Lauren out of her shirt and shorts and she did the same. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close, leaving soft kisses on the side of her head as she put her forehead on my shoulder. I reluctantly pulled away to check the water temperature, then held my hand out to guide Lauren inside the shower box. I let her stand under the water, helping her wet her hair before I grabbed the shampoo and began lathering up her long locks. She stretched her neck to the side, leaving it available for me to place a few open mouthed kisses. She sighed in contentment as I massaged her scalp, rinsing the shampoo before working the conditioner through her ends. Once I was done we switched places and she helped me with my hair. We stayed mostly quiet, taking in the moment together, enjoying innocent caresses and kisses and occasionally whispering I love you's. After my hair was finished we moved on to simultaneously wash each other's bodies, using a sweet vanilla soap and lathering it up with our respective bath poufs. I took my time massaging her back and shoulders, really taking in the sensation of her skin under my palms.

pretty girl (Lauren/You- first person)Where stories live. Discover now