chapter nine.

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"Babe, I can go with you. I really don't mind. We can call Dinah or Mani to watch Lilah for a bit, you know they won't mind." Lauren held my shoulders gently, with concern etched all over her face as she spoke.

"No, I have to do this myself. Don't think I don't appreciate you offering because I do and it means quite a lot, but I don't want her anywhere near you. I know how nasty she can get and how easily she can fling insults that cut deep, I don't want her to say anything to you." I cupped her porcelain cheeks in my hands, looking right into those deep green eyes that always knew how to keep me grounded. Judging by the pit in my stomach, I needed all the anchoring I could get.

"If you're sure." She spoke softly, leaning into my touch and placing her hands over mine.

"I'm sure." We leaned our foreheads together for a moment before sharing a gentle kiss. When we finally parted, I turned towards the kitchen counter to fill a travel mug with coffee.

"What creamer do you want babe?" Lauren had the fridge open, looking in my direction and she drummed her fingers on the handle.

"Um, you don't know?" I scoffed and feigned offense at her question. She furrowed her brow before realizing I was kidding, then smirked before pulling out a bottle of liquid coffee creamer and setting it next to my mug.

"Caramel macchiato?" She stepped behind me and put her head on my shoulder, wrapping her arms around my waist.

"My favorite." I whispered before kissing the top of her head and opening the bottle.

"I thought I was your favorite.." Lauren mumbled so lowly I almost couldn't hear her. I turned to look at her with a surprised expression on my face only to be met by her signature puppy dog pout, instantly melting my face into one of adoration.

"Aww, pretty girl you're always my favorite." I spoke as I stroked her cheek with my thumb, she avoided looking into my eyes as I watched her fight the smile coming to her face, trying to keep up the pout. "You're my favorite everything you fricken little cutie." I pulled her close to smack an exaggerated kiss on her cheek, which made us both laugh.

"Don't be gone too long okay? I'll miss you." My fiancé wiped a fake tear from her eye as she finished her sentence.

"Trust me doll, I won't be there any longer than I have to be." I joined in wiping the face tears from her eyes. "When Lilah wakes up just tell her I'll be back soon, I guess it doesn't really matter if you tell her where I am but I don't want her to worry or anything."

"Sure thing baby. I love you a lot." Lauren nuzzled her way back into my arms and left a series of soft, quick kisses on my jawline, cheeks and forehead, which made me smile.

"I love you too pretty girl, I won't be long." I left a lingering kiss on her lips before grabbing my keys, coffee and bag from the counter and heading out the front door.

The drive to my mother's house from ours only took about 30 minutes, traffic wasn't bad yet since it was only nine in the morning. I had to make this the first thing I do today, otherwise I might have backed out. As much as I was dreading this conversation, I knew it was something that had to be done.

I didn't bother pulling in to the driveway, just parking out in front of the house on the street. I sat there for a few minutes contemplating my approach to this conversation. I didn't want to seem to defensive, but I didn't want to seem ashamed of what I was going to tell her. I didn't want to beat around the bush but I also didn't want to yell in her face "I'm getting married no matter what you think!" The second she opened the door.

"Ugghhhh." I groaned loudly to no one in particular. I finished off my coffee and jumped out of the car before I had the chance to start over thinking again. I swiftly walked up the sidewalk to the front door, and before I could hesitate I rang the doorbell. This is it, I thought to myself. After what felt like hours but was probably mere seconds, the door swung open.

pretty girl (Lauren/You- first person)Where stories live. Discover now