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Wedgeman Simon @miniminter
Haven't been in here in a bit,
How's everyone doing?
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Simons pov
My feed flooded with replies from Stan accounts, my heart fluttering at all the wonderful comments.
Josh sat next to me, using one of my computers to check his Twitter as well.
"They act as if we never left. It's insane." He breathed, a laugh leaving his throat.
My eyes scanned the comments that kept popping up, but one stood out to me.

In reply to @miniminter
KSI @ksiolajidebt
Welcome back to twitter mate, you have been missed.

My stomach twist and turned as I reread the comment, clicking the account to make sure it was a fan. Nope, all real.
A smile rose on my face as I liked and retweeted jjs reply, hoping he would get the hint to get in contact with me.
"We should get ready for that date tonight." Joshes words interrupted my train of thought, and I quickly clicked off the comment.
Sighing, I got up and shuffled to my wardrobe to find a decent outfit.
"Why don't you wear that long sleeve Adidas jumper, the black one? That's my favourite on you." His voice snuck up behind me, his breath blowing against my skin as his hands snaked through my wardrobe before yanking out the jumper he just mentioned. Blushing, I took the shirt from him before taking the pyjama shirt I had on and pulling it over my head. Josh wolf whistled, making my face feel as if I was being pushed into a burning bonfire. Josh left to get dressed himself, leaving me to entertain myself. I sat on my bed, waiting for time to pass that didnt want to.
Suddenly, as if to save me from the torture my phone shrilled from my desk, vibrating to a heart beat on the wood. I darted to my phone, my stomach dropping when I seen the name. Jj
A smile settled on my face as I answered, putting it on speaker.
"Long time no talk buddy."
Jjs voice was raspy and quite, like he had been crying and yelling.
"Yeah, can't really make excuses now can we." I chuckled, and I heard him let out a small breathy laugh.
"I seen you joined twitter again. Thought I could update you on how my life's going. And also say how sorry I am that I haven't contacted you since I left." I nodded even though he couldn't see me.
"How's your music going? I heard you released a couple songs. The one that was for seana? I thought you were keeping that private." I sat cross legged in my gaming chair as I waited for an answer. He sighed, and I could tell his hands were running across his face.
"An apology. It's bad to keep things in for so long." He admitted, and I understood exactly what he meant. I stared at my feet as he explained how sorry he was that he aired all of us, and that it wasn't his intention. There was a knock on my door whilst he was in the middle of his apology, tobi walking in and standing next to me. His eyes flashed to mine, mouthing jjs name before tilting his head slightly. I nodded, and tobi smiled widely, giving me a slap on my shoulder as he danced around.
"It's alright mate. There's so much to explain, but right now I'm about to go on a double date with josh and vobi, rain check?" The words came out laced with laughter as I held my breath.
"Woah, I've missed a lot. Vik and tobi? Would have never guessed it. Give me a ring back when you are ready. Have fun!"
And with that he hung up, leaving me with tobi in my quiet room.
"What did I tell you, he couldn't not talk to his best mate." Tobi spoke proudly, his hands on his hips. I rolled my eyes, standing up and tapping his shoulder with my elbow.
"Let's go before our boyfriends mob us for taking too long."

Noob makes me cry, oops

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