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Simons pov
My body froze with shock as I stared at Ethan. My heart was beating out my chest, and I felt as if it would suddenly burst at any movement.
"What do you mean? No, you can't be alive. This is a dream. Yeah. I'm here talking to myself. Why would you be here anyway? You're dead!" I shouted, making his flinch. His lips drowned into a frown, his little forehead lines popping onto his ghastly face.
"Aw, now why would you say that?
I'm here aren't I!?"
He was being facetious, I could tell. My ears thumped, my hands clenched against the blanket I was once under. I sat there for a moment struggling to catch my breath, but he didn't care. Ethan was there, staring at me too I had only an ounce of breath left in me.
"Oh come on, I thought you'd be happy to see me."
Silence everywhere
Ethan walked closer to me, and I couldn't help but scoot away from the ghostly figure.
"I'm going to be taking you to the past, present, and future Christmases you have had and will have. Don't try and run away whilst gone. It won't do you an good. So without anymore hassle, let's go to your past!"
DECEMBER 25, 2014

It was a scene simon thought he would only be able to remember in his dreams. The first sidemen Christmas truly spent as one. He was confused as to why he was back here, to the old house filled with old memories. He turned to Ethan, who slightly pushed him forward into the house.
"They could see us!" The taller boy shrieked as Ethan just continued to push him into the scene that was unfolding.
It wasn't strange for the boys to all be in a festive mood, even if the subscribers they had collected seemed to think the complete opposite. Most were in Christmas jumpers. Harry the only one in a simple blue onesie.
"Why are we back here?" Simons voice was mumbled as he watched his younger self sneak outside to the back with Ethan. The blonde didn't know why, but he felt his body gravitate to the pair. He remembered this moment with such ferocity that it lit his stomach as if it was a fireplace.
Ethan silently followed, he himself finding warmth in the scene.
They walked across the grass, watching the pair sit atop the trampoline that the guys had failed to take down in the past months.
"Do you think they will notice we are gone?" Young Ethan giggled quietly as he fell back, making the trampoline spring up and lift Simon a little as he sat.
"Nah, they don't care enough to search for us. Leave the two best friends to have a jokes confrontation." Simon watched his younger self with a feeling of pride. He had grown so much from the years that he was with Ethan.
Simon watched the love seep into the air between the two, twirling into a gorgeous orange colour and releasing into the nights air and becoming transparent.
Simon glanced around the yard, listening to the couple bicker lovingly in the background, setting the song of the night. His eyes caught onto a figure standing by the door. Simon tapped Ethan, and his eyes glistening with anticipation as he walked over to the mystery man.
"This is why we are back here." The ghost hummed to the lively boy.
It was Josh, his beard was sparse, contradicting the long one he had decided to grow out in the future years. Simon watched as the brunettes eyes settled onto the pair on the trampoline. The drink josh had in his hand was quickly swallowed as he intently watched the couple from afar.
"You didn't know he was there did you?" Ethan questioned, making Simon whip his head to the boy next to him.
"Oh so you are telling me you saw him there?" Simon hadn't meant for the sentence to come of snarky and filled with poison, but it did and he instantly felt bad for it. He mumbled a sorry, turning back to Josh who looked like as if he had just watched his puppy get ran over.
"Do you want to stay the night at mine? You can tell the guys we are filming." Young Ethan suggested to Simon, who looked at him with bright eyes. Simon could hear Josh gasp, his face some how dropping further than it already was.
"Why would Josh be sad about this?" Simon was puzzled, looking to Ethan for an answer.
"Are you really that stupid. He's been in love with you since this moment idiot." The scene paused, somehow fast forwarding later into the night. Simon stood quiet, not sure if Ethan would yell once more.
The sky was dark, stars filled the sky and snow fell onto the ground, melting before it stuck. Josh was on the roof, the window in which he came closed slightly so the air didn't fill Simons room.
Future simon stood there, his heart once again aching as he remembered the scene with clear vision. He watched his younger self enter the room, looking to josh before lifting up the window and entering into the cold nights air.
"Why are you out here? It's freezing."
Simon knew exactly why Josh was out there, but still the scene left him metaphorically on the edge of his seat.
"Thinking. About so.damn.much."
Josh's voice came out cracking, his deep voice settling into the younger Simons shoulders as he watched his best friend break down.
"You know, not to sound gay or anything. But you can tell me anything."
In a matter like this, Older Simon found himself letting out a sharp laugh at the statement. Ethan, who was next to the blonde the whole time, smiled as he heard a laugh he hadn't heard in quite some time.
Josh looked over to the younger boy with glistening eyes, his lips pulled into a deep frown. His head cocked, he let out a deep breath.
"I'm bisexual Simon."
Young Simon blinked at the brunette, letting his words sink in.
He was surprised, the man had a girlfriend for as long as Simon had known him.
"Oh, well I still love you Josh. No matter if you like girls, guys, fish even. I will except you for you."
Simon and Ethan watched the relief flood onto josh's face, and the moment between the two stirred into a baby pink colour, shooting tiny fireworks into the sky that only the two could see.
Simon felt his whole body become filled with fire. Today was all too much for him and he knew that unfortunately it was not close to being over.
"Did you learn anything?" Ethan sat on the roof, his legs crossed as the two younger boys faded from the scene, leaving only Ethan and Simon. The blonde sighed, his body racked with confusion and love.
"Maybe I should be more fucking observant."
The ghost laughed at his statement, shrugging his shoulders as he smiled.
"Well, we have a lot to get through tonight. So, while that is still fresh in your mind, let's move on."

And with that the world around Simon warped into another familiar one.
I'm late with an update and I hate myself for it.
This book is so close to an end.
One chapter? Maybe two?
But I have plans, and with your advice I have decided to make a spin off to this one.
In the spin off it will be a behzsi ship.
Love you all, and Haply holidays xx

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